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  1. S

    Anyone else...

    Far out. HSC , ive been dreading for this day since year 10. if only i could get 65%, ill be really happy. that like what, 10/15 10/15 10/15 10/20 12/20 15/20 man, this looks impossible
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    exhibition of text

    powerplay,, but this doesnt matter, i was just curious.
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    exhibition of text

    exhibition of text what does it mean by that? i saw it in 2001 paper
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    isnt it SWOT chart?cos i have seen many people writing it as SWAT , cos SWAT is movie, isnt it?
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    Speeches (Module B)

    there are 12. :mad: this is even worse.
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    Speeches (Module B)

    nope , i guess not. i hate speeches. 11 of them , the number is astronomical, i cant even do 1 properly. I am dooooooooomed. i just hope they dont randomly select a speech like pierce nelson. is that how you spell his name? who the hell cares.
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    A 1991 hsc quesion

    yea, but i dont get that answer at all why do you have to divide by (1+arctan(2)arctan(1/2)] i dont get how they derive this.
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    A 1991 hsc quesion

    yep. Successone extension 1. 1991 paper Q7(b)III (III)deduce maximum angle subtended.......
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    A 1991 hsc quesion

    I have a question. from 1991 HSC paper. question 7(B)III I have read the answer but i do not understand it. It is very hard to explain it cos its a graph question, so if any of you have Sucess One books , can you take a look and explain the answer, Much appprecited
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    blackbody questions

    is black body a theoretical concept or has people actually built it. i know one black body is a furnace with a small opening, but is it theoretical? also, is black body a perfect absorber or emmiter of radiation? or both? plus , let me get this right, because black body is a perfect...
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    product strategies

    what are some product strategies? under marketing?
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    yea, i saw that equation many times, what i dont understand is. where did the 10H+ hydrogen originate in the first place?
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    2003 Hsc - Q20

    I had a look at the the question, and the thread as well. Now i understand that first coil will be induced an emf that forms eddy current. and the second one produce a flow of current which acts as electromagnet. Now , people in the that thread seem to agree that only second coil will...
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    Writing the business report

    if i was writing as a business consultant about a biz that experience cash flow problems and revenue decline, which tone do i adopt? Like The low revenue IS caused by such and such(i'll make up some reasons) or the low revenue COULD be caused by such and such...... Do i...
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    financial business case study

    why does he think it wont be on finacial?
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    financial business case study

    does anybody know a good finacial business case study, if so can you please provide the link, i checked the resourse section and couldnt find a good one any help will be appreciated.
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    if there was a question asking about say, assessing the suitability of biomass as an alternative source of energy and chemical. should i talk about cellulose or simply ethanol? I know i read somewhere about how cellulose can be broken down into glucose which can be fermentated to...
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    einstein and max planck

    this is still inconclusive. this is what i wrote for the dot point max planck supported the independence of scientific institutes as oppose to science being used as an instrument under an anthority in the first world war, being a fervant nationlist, max planck support the military...
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    standard deviation

    thats what i thought as well. but why is it necessary to work out the class average in the first place?
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    standard deviation

    My teacher was telling me today how a class average can affect my assessment mark, i mean is this true, i know moderation involves ranking and i never read about the part about how the class average class can affect you, because i rank first in physics chem and 2 unit maths, and the rest of the...