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  1. S

    Physics trials result

    probably alot easier. i got my paper back today. everyone except for me argued that the westinghouse and edison quesition be taken off(since it is not in out textbook)and guess what, the teacher gave in. and now i got 97% for physics, thats not that good since i dont think i should be...
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    2004 independent trial

    i'll take a lucky guess that you william , is born in 1986. Am i right? i thought there are many different version of independent trials.
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    Making an essay into a feature article

    yep. we all agree that english is bad for our health.....
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    list of big words

    what about the word ----------juxtaposition--------------. man i love that word, there is just something magical about the way its pronounced.
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    CSSA Trial Results

    well. i havent got my result cos the teacher hasnt finished marking it. i went to him to ask, he gave me a big smile and said i did very well in multiple choice and essays.and that is good cos the middle section is just history. i reckon i can get above 80 for this one.thank god its the last...
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    I Need Help!!

    possible application with superductors on transmission of power superconductors offer neglible resistance and could be used in powerlines to conserve power. this way no transformers will be needed for changing power to extremely high voltage. However, the current superconductors needs low...
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    Physics trials result

    it doesnt matter if the teacher is picky. as long as it applies to everyone in the class. then you do your hsc and assessment marks gets moderated
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    where do i find shipwreck notes?

    Hi. does anyone know where to download a copy of shipwreck's syllabus and answers done by a student. frigid's did the biochemistry, i cant seem to find anyperson who has shipwrecks. so if you can help... please
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    Physics trials result

    i like the attitude
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    Physics trials result

    yea i know. our one was unusually easy.(well but then, i read the whole frigid's summary of syllabus three times before i went to sleep the day before the test) multiple choice 13/15 middle section covers 3 core topics 54/60 medical phyiscs 24/25 91/100 thompsons one was in...
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    a b scans

    I love that movie Fight Club really shook me up. almost as impressed as the first time i saw Pulp Fiction
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    physics cssa 04 ^_^

    yea, thats what i do i dont know a question. i make it as vague as possible so that it sounds about right, but not quite there. Does anyone find it annoying that olympics start in the middle of the trials, personally i find quite annoying cos i get distracted
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    physics cssa 04 ^_^

    man, i dont know why fuss over simutaneity questions. they are so easy. just picture yourself as the dickhead in the train and everything move in slow motion. then everything should be clear... and also, i reckon 80% people who did the test didnt know westinghouse and edison. that what my...
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    Physics trials result

    its the independent one its the one with Edison and Westinghouse competition for DC and AC.lucky me, i read a section in excel about how edison electrocuted a cow in public to show how dangerous AC is and just crapped on. the thompson experiment was not even in that, far out, hertz...
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    Physics trials result

    i guess i am the first person to get my physics result back ME 91% yes yes yes yes yes yes so happy. ^%&@ing aced it all the work i put in, all those time when i stayed in during lunchtime.... finally paid off yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
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    einstein and max planck

    see, this is the kinda stuff i am talking about. now planck signed the manifesto in first world war, then he regrets. in second world war. he resigns from kaiser wilhem institute cos he doesnt like nazis. and his son died trying to kill hitler but then. there are other reasons to...
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    einstein and max planck

    Does anyone know which of these 2 scientist supported the view that science should not be influenced by social and political influence and which opposed it. i thought it was max planck who believed in pure science whereas einstein opposed this view,by urgin the US president to make atom...
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    black body curve

    Hi I am just wondering. is it necessary to explain how max planck's constant explain the experimental result of the black body radiation i know the books says he came up with the revolutionary idea of light as quantas. but i couldnt find any infomation on how the theory explain the peak of...
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    how do I fight sleep?

    ohe my god. That is so true............ everytime i goto bed late and then wakes at 7 when the clock goes off. im just say to myself. 5 more minutes... then it becomes 1 hour and then im late for school i again. I believe i hold the record for failing to turn up on time in school......
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    business report and extended response examples

    does anyone here know a good link to business report examples and for extended response as well?