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  1. perfectionist

    Arts/commerce - how many arts' majors??

    Hi Zannaz...what is B.Arts about? i'd start off with commerce and see if i want to transfer to a double degree... Thanks
  2. perfectionist

    lookin faw a tutor...

    I reckon turors are useful... i had for one maths...he was/is a professional teacher..not just any Uni student..and he was excellent!!! Group Tutoring for maths is useless!! its not worth having!
  3. perfectionist

    rechecking marks

    I was gonna send mine in for Physics and Chem...but some teachers at my school they were like it's just waste of money...but anyways....if people send em, nothing wrong with it!
  4. perfectionist

    suggest any tips for revising?

    my teacher was like don't worry just be prepared for Global Business...
  5. perfectionist

    study help

    I didn't learn much at school at all.. ..either tutors or my own effort! :D
  6. perfectionist

    Did you meet your target UAI?

    Hi people, just wanted to ask if you's got the UAI u aimed for. For me i amied for over 90, like around 92-93 and i got mid 90's...nearly a 95 i.e. 94.80 So yeah i met my goal :D I know it has been ages to when we got our UAIs. Dunno if there is a similar thread. What about you...
  7. perfectionist

    Hsc 2004

    haha...i remember last year... once there were like 60 days before the was around after the trials..i was like theres heaps of time...but yeah it went fast as there was lots of stuff going on like graduation and parties at its was hard to study with all the stuff...
  8. perfectionist

    study help

    Your welcome :D i feel glad when i help people :)
  9. perfectionist

    Tutorials- That first day

    Is it like we have to do it every SEMESTER? :confused:
  10. perfectionist

    honours, anyone?

    yeah same here!
  11. perfectionist

    study help

    What i did during year 12 was made notes on the modules...which were quite thorough..and made sure that i understand the topic well..and then took a general topic for the essay...and wrote a draft essay..and kept editing it until i knew it was perfect or looked perfect..i mean there was a flow...
  12. perfectionist

    Who is missing school???

    I am very bored... cos there's nothing to do is sleep, internet, tv and work soon! i don't miss school! I want to find something interesting to do to make my holidays worthwhile!!! School? or Uni?
  13. perfectionist

    suggest any tips for revising?

    i was prepared for global as well... but also at the same time i was mentally prepared that if it is not global i will invent my own case study..anyways..considering that i invented a business and wrote about it i think my mark is good..well yeah in my opinion..i.e. 91 n yeah Marko...from...
  14. perfectionist

    what was your 1st pref?

    B commerce @ USYD
  15. perfectionist

    1st year subjects

    Thanks Toodulu. I'd call em tomorrow and ask for the actual "handbook" for commerce...dunno if i have the correct one. Thanks :)
  16. perfectionist

    1st year subjects

    I am just doing commerce...but yeah..i want to do to become a recognised Charted Accountant we need specific subjects...right? :confused:
  17. perfectionist

    1st year subjects

    hi Toodulu..are we meant to decide our subjects NOW??? I got a booklet from USYD on 5th JAN it lists every yeah do we need to decide now?? :confused: :(
  18. perfectionist

    unsw or usyd?

    i WISH i had changed to UNSW...even Minai was like u have half an hour to change :( but ayways...what is done is done. May be i'd fit in once i start my degree and i have work and i get to know the people around me. I didn't acctually like the USYD people for B.commerce...not friendly at...
  19. perfectionist

    do you have any advice to help a new uni student to get good grades?

    it seems that in uni..there is too much work to get done and very less time!! People how do u manage your studies and work?? :confused:
  20. perfectionist

    q bout commerce! help...

    Hope to see u there at USYD then ShAdow_FaX! :D