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  1. perfectionist

    2004 handbooks

    LOL u are right!!! :D
  2. perfectionist

    2004 handbooks

    i think i'd choose to buy one..b'cos it's too much hassel on the computer... i hate waiting though:mad:......everyone does!
  3. perfectionist

    2004 handbooks

    melby, by any chance have u got any idea about it's cost?
  4. perfectionist

    2004 handbooks

    do u need to buy it every year (i.e. for the time we are at uni)?
  5. perfectionist

    2004 handbooks

    :confused: I was being serious oh well,.... :D
  6. perfectionist

    2004 handbooks

    hi its for 2003!!!
  7. perfectionist

    URGENT MATTER please help.

    Still...if you go to the citizenship office...and they accept your application! refer to my above post.
  8. perfectionist

    URGENT MATTER please help.

    I think if u go and hand in an application at the citizenship office, it will be they accept your application when u go... so yeah i am going on Monday...hope everything turns out to be fine :)
  9. perfectionist

    2004 Cutoffs released

    It's from 12 am to 5am.
  10. perfectionist

    2004 Cutoffs released

    Sunday??? don't they release it on Monday 19th Jan at 9am?? someone clear this up for me, please. :confused:
  11. perfectionist


    Hi!! Thanks for making me feel better :) i hope so too that i get in :)
  12. perfectionist


    Congrats people :D i hope i get into B.commerce...i am 0.25 short...but i have the EAS scheme... :)
  13. perfectionist

    clothing at univeristy

    yeah my school's english head teacher wore her uniform on a mufti day! :rolleyes:
  14. perfectionist


    yeah i was a bit confused today... all people that appear online are in black
  15. perfectionist

    Quick Edit and Quick Post

    lol...i forgot what it is called! thanks for correcting...i'd remember.. "quick reply" :D
  16. perfectionist

    Quick Edit and Quick Post

    Thanks iambored :)
  17. perfectionist

    Quick Edit and Quick Post

    These two: quick edit and post seem to have disappeared :confused: is it with only me or every one :( Thanks
  18. perfectionist


    i printed the notes for chem and physics ...and never used em. Just used AOS essay as a guide to write my own just looked at what we are expected to it was holiday time...this time last year.
  19. perfectionist

    uni girls

    hehe... i have been wanting to ask this question for ages... thanks people :D