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  1. M

    emulsifiers, soap

    whats the difference between dirt and grease? I think its safe to assume they're the same thing btw I dont think its carbonlate.. never heard of it... in soap the head is COO- probably its called carboxylate ion or something similar to that.
  2. M

    2003 mathematics solutions

    hmm... I have my own solutions... I can scan it on Friday if no-one has offered it by then.
  3. M


    oh well, I should place restriction on the value of x... But since I'm a very kind person I dont wanna restrict x to imprisonment.. just let it wander free in the universe...
  4. M

    modelling a solvay step

    ..... interesting quote.. ;) EDIT: oh, sorry. I was trying to figure out how you made that line and I pressed Quote and I somehow thought the line was because you wrote [Quote=yourself...
  5. M


    probably Slide Rule has made the point but Im too lazy to read it.. It can be shown by the wonder of mathematics that sin(x)<= x <= tan(x), x in radians It can also be shown that for small x, i.e. as x->0, sin(x) == x == tan(x) where == is approximate equal to Hence, lim sin(x)/x...
  6. M

    amazing prooff of 1=2

    this dividing by zero thing is becoming a cliche... there are other stuff which I think is more interesting
  7. M


    sorry I was wrong about the modelling equilibrium thing... yes it uses molecular model kits... go to and download the 2004 CSSA (Q and solutions). its explained there.
  8. M

    Does 4unit maths......

    some schools dont follow the suggested order of topics from the Board though ;) mine is an example well depending on what topics you've done, you may need to teach yourself on some 2U and 3U topics. but... mainly its the calculus bit and maybe some trig identities.
  9. M

    Good Luck

    interesting as its posted at 9:26 AM on the exam day ;)
  10. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    and can u tell me whats wrong with my logic? for the second student to be from senior, the first must be from junior P(first from junior) = 7/13 P(second from senior) = P(first from junior) this Q is somewhere in a previous post ;) please... (well I hope I get some insight which I can...
  11. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    yes. well the girls are not taken out of the school/classroom, but they're not in the eqn becoz its the probabilty that the second student will be from senior if he/she turns out to be a boy. EDIT: the girls ARE taken into account.
  12. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    The ans of 49/76 is what appears in the answer key for this paper, so it's definitely right. if uve been reading this whole thread (yes there are lots of posts...) youll know that what part (ii) of the Q asks is the probability that the second student is from senior, IF it turns out to be a...
  13. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    Just wanna make sure that everyone knows that the proper answer is 49/76 and that I wasn't completely right. Estel was the first one who knew how to work out the correct answer.
  14. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    for the second person to be chosen from senior, the first person must turn out to be from junior. read the question carefully ;)
  15. M

    essay form

    but sometimes if we write in non-essay we might be able to develop clearer voice and sense of audience etc. and maybe get extra marks for that :D
  16. M

    essay form

    in section 3, if the Q doesnt mention any text type, does it mean we have to write in essay or can we write in any form? (if it doesnt mention that you can write in any form either) Thanks.
  17. M

    Graphing For n00bs

    complete the square and graph the quadratic (parabola). But dont forget its not defined at x=1 (denominator = 0)
  18. M

    HSC Tips - Volumes

    they were talking about deriving the expression for cylindrical shell, like in the pic. I dont think we need to do that.... Although.. its easy once you understand it.
  19. M

    help please! (complex numbers)

    u dont really need induction for that. just say, "it follows that |z_1 z_2 ... z_n| = |z_1| + |z_2| + ... + |z_n|, and when z_1=z_2=...=z_n, |z^n|=|z|^n" and for the argument, find z*z and you'll see that arg(z*z)=2arg(z) then it follows that..... Also if u find z*z then u have also...
  20. M

    help please! (complex numbers)

    ur in the same situation with Estel ;)