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  1. M

    Binomial Questions

    1. 2. c = - 1/n+1 3. <sup>2n</sup>C<sub>2n</sub>*x<sup>2n</sup>*1<sup>2n-2n</sup> which of course simplifies to x<sup>2n</sup> so does Xayma's solution, except his is more elegant ;) u shud really use his method. no...
  2. M

    help please! (complex numbers)

    z=2cis(pi/3) in mod-arg form z^n = 2^n [cos (n*pi/3) + i sin (n*pi/3)] for it to be real, imaginary part = 0 sin (n*pi/3) = 0 etc. for imaginary, cos(n*pi/3) = 0 n*pi/3 = -3pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2, 3pi/2, etc. there wont be integral n for the induction thing... I'll just prove the...
  3. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    hmm.. but whats flawed in my argument?? that P(if its a boy, its from senior) = P(first student is from junior) = 7/13 ?? also, 7/13 < 49/76 and this really makes me confused... :confused: if first student isnt from junior, the second cant be from senior... but the probability that the...
  4. M

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    u get questions from past papers etc especially for ext2 where its very readily available on the net LOL theres this secret library of ext2 papers run by a mysterious person... for ext1, u probably dont need that many questions.. will u do all of them??
  5. M

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    why waste money for textbooks?? :confused: as if two books aren't enough... ;) or is it three, patel, fitz and coroneos? (I'll seriously be happy with one book) EDIT I thought this was in ext2 forum.. but anyway... 1 3U book is still enough for me.
  6. M

    Worst core topic?

    I agree for the time being anyway My opinion mught change when I'm in uni.
  7. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    any help? *looking to Jrah students on the forum... especially the 4U ones* maybe the given answer is wrong after all....
  8. M

    Jrahs 95 - Q8b

    no [EDIT: maybe yes.. I didn't really get what he meant], I thought: if the boy is picked for the second student, 400/700 is for he to be from Senior when the first student is not a boy (so there are still 700 boys total). 400/699 is for he to be from Senior when the first student is a boy...
  9. M

    Electricity Timeline

    maybe u can try typing the exact sentence that he gave into google.. maybe he gave u a hint.
  10. M

    modelling a solvay step

    well solvay process has several components u shud know all if u can probably just know the main eqns and make up the steps on the spot ^^ brine purification isnt one of the major ones to model, so I'd think that its a little inappropriate... u can assume its pure enough actually.. model...
  11. M

    2002 hsc q 28

    basically yes. just mention the colour changes as u increase the temp.. (from red to purple), and changes to red again when u cool it down again. mention how u heat it (using bunsen), draw diagram if the number of marks sounds appropriate u analyse the equil qualitatively just by observing...
  12. M

    Solvay Process calculations??

    faraday constant is the quantity of electricity carried by one mole of electrons. it is 96500 coulombs per mole. I dont think u need this.. I havent done this but its in my Conquering Chem textbook but it might be there as an extra. And BTW its not unique for Solvay.. questions involving this...
  13. M

    emulsifiers, soap

    wel probably its best to read ur textbook and summary from the resources section or from here (, or maybe the CSU site or other resources. but, in short, well you've answered what emulsion is urself... it can be either...
  14. M

    salt bridge

    anions go to the beaker with the anode. and vice versa. the beaker with anode is the positive one (oxidation occurs.. release electrons up to the circuit and so the electrode gets more positive), hence the anions are negative.
  15. M


    enviro issues 1. sulfur (S) is easily oxidised to SO2 or reduced to H2S, both of which are serious air pollutants even at low concentrations. 2. in the extraction of sulfur we use water. it's necessary to re-use it and not discharge it to the enviro becoz it may have dissolved impurities that...
  16. M

    Sulfate reducing bacteria (or use google for more info) dont think this is in the syllabus though. chuck it to the bin ^_^ (unless u want to know this for interest)
  17. M

    Worst core topic?

    yes yes chem mon and man I hate it :(
  18. M

    salt bridge

    if its a cell which is designed to use salt bridge, when u remove it, theres no volts at all ;) because u remove the connection from the two beakers / electrodes
  19. M

    Just a quickie

    but how do u know it's classified as a "reason"? Is this on the syllabus or textbook somewhere?
  20. M

    Just a quickie

    probably.. u need to read between the lines.. draw meaning from the not-obvious.. ok I admit defeat :p