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  1. MaryJane

    property law essay

    Hmmm... perhaps. I'm so tired, I'm not really sure... But, because tom and katie arent registered, they just have an equitable interest too, right? And, with the void instrument stuff, see Breskvar v Wall and Frazer v Walker. Night *yawn*
  2. MaryJane

    property law essay

    Check the discussion board. Shayne wrote something. According to IAC v Courtenay (or however you spell it: Taylor J's judgement), and s 43 of the RPA, they dont lose out because of the caveat. Because the 'settlement' (exchange of money and possession of CoT) was done before the caveats, they...
  3. MaryJane

    property law essay

    lol, I'm impressed you remembered her name! Ah, those were the days; at least we had a longer page limit!! Yeah, with all that postponing conduct, I'm just saying that Smithbank is better because they acted "prudently" (quote from some case.. cant think) by notifying Vince and requesting the...
  4. MaryJane

    3rd yr psych units

    334 is social, yeah? Steve and I are doing it next semester because we're social fanatics! I love it so, so much!! Welcome to BoS Vick86! :) I'd stay longer to write a decent reply, but I'm supposed to be working on a property law assignment thats due tomorrow :( The only input I can offer is...
  5. MaryJane

    property law essay

    I started with vince v angelina; the mortgagees priority dispute; angelina v tom and katie; tom and katie v mortgagees. IWR, fraud is not an issue (see last few lines of Gospher in the CM). And pretty much your conclusion is in line with my one: angelina is screwed, ends up with nothing, tom...
  6. MaryJane

    property law essay

    Crap! 2000 words?? *sigh* At least we have each other to get us through it! And, really, if that essay was worth 40%, we only need to pull another 10% to pass, right? :o I cant wait until the end of this year - no more const. I hate it with a passion. Grrr. And (I'm into starting new...
  7. MaryJane

    Who's going to the mentor reception/certificate thingo?

    Steve and I wont be able to stay after all, because we need to be at Normanhurst by 6.30. Plus, I need sleep... and really, really need to study. So, it really will be one of those kinky Rob and Lynnie movies, Asy! ;)
  8. MaryJane

    property law essay

    We must have the same property tutor - Sandy? Because she said the exact same thing: "dead easy to pass, but difficult to get a D/HD". The marks for const are on webct under results.... we should be getting the hardcopy back soon. Have you put fingers to keyboard yet IWR?
  9. MaryJane

    Who's going to the mentor reception/certificate thingo?

    I second that! Winter is nice and all (ie. the darkness in the morning which helps me sleep in), but it should not get cold and damp and gross!
  10. MaryJane

    property law essay

    40%? Even better! I need all the marks I can get... I havent done the reading, or listened to the lecture since week 5 :o
  11. MaryJane

    property law essay

    Oh, and const results are out. I got a D - only just! - which is an absolute miracle!! And 11 people failed because they didnt hand it in! You'd think for 30% they'd present something that roughly answers the question.
  12. MaryJane

    BB/HR students alert

    ... Could you say you've had experience in HR over in Canada...? ;)
  13. MaryJane

    property law essay

    Great! Thanks for that girly - I'm glad I havent missed something :D
  14. MaryJane

    Is this essay suicide?

    Of course you can use your reader articles as a source!! Thats how I survived in SOC180, so I'm assuming SOC289 is the same idea. As long as you have some other sources (like your e-resources) then it should be fine.. Ooh, just an idea! Do your reader sources have their reference list still...
  15. MaryJane

    property law essay

    I've written about half of it, because I now work Tues, Wed and Friday, so I had to start it, or I'd be seriously screwed! I agree re: the readings, it all seems pretty straight forward; I'm so so SO glad there are no leases because I hate leases. Grrr... A friend of mine mentioned something...
  16. MaryJane

    Who's going to the mentor reception/certificate thingo?

    Ooh, are you really dressing up? Bugger. That means I have to put some thought into my outfit. Out goes the jeans and jumper idea.... Hey Jamie, is your "talk" tonight?... Mind you, if it is tonight, you wont be here to answer that question... hmmmm..
  17. MaryJane

    Who's going to the mentor reception/certificate thingo?

    ^^ I just read that as "going to [see] XXX" because I read the 'X' and the 'III' together. I have such a dirty mind :o
  18. MaryJane

    Who's going to the mentor reception/certificate thingo?

    Are you going to the specialised Tuesday one, or are you going to rock up to the reject Thursday one? Glitter, I think the dinner idea is lovely! It all depends on a) when it finishes and b) whether the food there is any good. Either way, coffee could be done, especially seeing its late night...
  19. MaryJane

    Who's going to the mentor reception/certificate thingo?

    So, who here is going to the reject Thursday one? Steve and I are... Lynnie baby, Jamie baby... Mikey baby, are you going? Anyone else?
  20. MaryJane

    Seeking 3rd/4th yr psych students for PSY222 guidance...

    Not crappy dialup; its the crappy server that BoS uses. I'm on broadband and haven't been able to get on here all day. Gosh, I need a life! :p Welcome schmogirl! I didnt do 222 (stat270 instead thank god), but thought I'd invade this thread too! If you have any questions about the rest of...