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  1. MaryJane

    It is that time of the semester.....

    lol, Steve will love this thread! That notice thats been put up? Steve basically petitioned the library to do that - a one-man revolution!! I'm so going to do it too - remove those stinking books, especially the ones around the 'laptop' corner on level 2. Bastards. All of them!!! People are so...
  2. MaryJane

    property law essay

    Congrats IWR!! See, I told you you'd do fine :D Whoever marked my essay didnt like my footnotes either (marker was "np"??), despite the fact I've always received full marks every other year for doing it the same way :confused: Scarecrow, from what I can tell from the comments, I didnt make...
  3. MaryJane

    property law essay

    So, here's the low down: 23% of the unit failed. The reasons pretty much listed by Nicole in the tute is what I said above: incorrect judgements etc etc, as well as not actually arguing anything. People just regurgitated arguments. And, others didnt understand the concepts behind their essays...
  4. MaryJane

    property law essay

    2/30?? Holy crap. I was thinking it would be, like 12/30 or something, but 2?! Surely people in third year arent that terrible at essay writing... :( Oh gosh. Oh crap. Do we get them on Wednesday, or are they handed out in tutes? I'm kinda hoping its Wednesday, rather than 9am tomorrow...
  5. MaryJane

    property law essay

    I've heard that rumour too, but apparently, the girl I heard it off is in Nicole's tute. She said that those who failed, failed because they got the facts wrong in cases (eg. in Steel v Houghton they said the gleaners won), got the names of the parties wrong (eg. steel v haugtton), and mixed up...
  6. MaryJane

    BB/HR students alert

    I agree its fantastic experience, but, personally I need the money more! And the 4 days a week I think is expecting too much from a full-time uni student - even part-time I would question. I'm doing 3 days a week currently, and my uni work would suffer if I took on any more hours. ... Its a...
  7. MaryJane

    BB/HR students alert

    Shouldn't the question be: If you knew the pay was $14 p/h, would you apply? Sorry, not to 'gang up' on you or anything, its just that Skittled and I have been talking about it - we enjoy playing the Devil's Advocate :)
  8. MaryJane

    BB/HR students alert

    Far out, $14!? Thats terrible pay! I really do not like companies who think they can pay you like that just because its "experience".... And its not like they dont have the funds to pay you a decent wage. You know how this would impact you psychologically - low self-efficacy etc etc... They...
  9. MaryJane

    MACQ ... first thing that comes to your head when u think of BOS members

    Asylum- Crazy, can be found on BoS between the hours of 12am - 4am (otherwise he is sleeping!) :P Flyin- Old, old mod who has abandoned us! :( Fornstar- Canada, baby!! And I've met him! w00t! Hopeful- always nice, dont really know much about her Glitterfairy- You're so lovely! And little!! I...
  10. MaryJane

    MQ students..the meaning behind your screennames!

    I dont really know where maryjane came from.... I've always been fascinated by drug culture, and probably picked it up that way.. Its been so long, I cant remember! How boring am I? The other name I go by when people have stolen MJ is "sugarivy" thanks to Steve :) And I agree - Skittled...
  11. MaryJane

    Anyone else get the call up for a Mail Handout?

    It depends on the handout; I've done both 'levels'. There is the placing-letters-into-envelopes-and-sitting-on-your-ass mail out, or; the walking-around-in-circles-filling-boxes-with-brochures-to-send-to-[insert school/tafe here] mail out. I think, by far, the second is the worst because you...
  12. MaryJane

    Anyone else get the call up for a Mail Handout?

    I did the last one, and it was 9 - whenever it was finished. Who called you? If its someone nice (like most of them are) just call them back! :) Beware of papercuts and extreme boredom. Its a good thing that we get paid decently!
  13. MaryJane

    Moving from day student to evening student

    Thanks for the info guys! Anne, thats a fantastic idea!! I love Rhada - her and Anna know Steve and I very well (because we always swapped from different streams into the same stream)... I might just do that, its so much easier! :D
  14. MaryJane

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    No way! Its equivalent to 2 big macs?!?! But... it has all that nice, green tabooli and bread and... other good stuff. Thats totally gross! *spews* I might not put on a thing, but I spend most of the night feeling ill and spending a lot of time in the bathroom.... Oooh, thats maybe just too...
  15. MaryJane

    Moving from day student to evening student

    Before I pester some academic (who probably wont know), I thought I'd ask you smart cookies on here! :D I'm currently a day student in both my psych subjects next semester. However, since I've started a new job which requires me Tues, Wed and Fri, I can no longer attend the tutes I've selected...
  16. MaryJane

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Breakfast: hot chocolate and raisin toast (drenched in butter) Lunch: Kebab Dinner: Green curry. ...Hmmm... not so good... But all I've drunk is water... Thats good... right?? :o
  17. MaryJane

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    I (well, Steve and I) made the yummiest dinner last night. I assume its relatively healthy, so I thought I'd pass on the recip: 400g spag 400g rocket 400g lamb strips 250g cherry tomatoes 2 cloves of garlic Olive oil 1/4 cup of the residual spag water Cook spag (always a good start!)...
  18. MaryJane

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Anne, I was more than likely wearing my boots, which add an extra 5cm to my height. I think I'm around 160ish cm's, and about 6ft with boots on! :p Have any of you tried the CSIRO diet? I'm thinking of buying the book, and forcing the food down my families throats. Most people lose around half...
  19. MaryJane

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Wow... Anne, you're doing so well! Steve saw you the other day and said you looked "really good"... I smell competition!! ;) I'd really like to be healthier, but I just dont have the motivation... I think I'd do something about it if my ever-constant weight of 54/55 increased. I have to agree...
  20. MaryJane

    property law essay

    I'm so glad thats over. Sheesh! I finished it in my lunch break at work, and emailed it to Skittled to print and hand in for me. So I was slightly stressed until that was all done. I'm hoping for a pass... I think I got the (majority) of the "solutions" right, but my writing was horrible! You...