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  1. MaryJane

    Parking Sticker

    That wasnt that long. :(
  2. MaryJane

    How many times do you come during sex?

    I second this. Or, he is a selfish prick who is yet to discover your clit. Have you ever come by yourself? Perhaps you should show him what makes you come... Every guy I know would be bothered if they hadn't given their girl an orgasm, especially one year in. If you're doing everything right...
  3. MaryJane

    Bicycle Network

    I like this idea.... I also think it would be cool for them to install those minature traffic lights like the ones at driving schools (you know the ones where you go for traffic education?). It could be a minature Vietnam!!
  4. MaryJane


    Yeah, the SAM sandwiches arent too bad if you need something relatively 'healthy' by uni standards, and fast! Whats the subway discount like? Is it just a crappy percentage off?
  5. MaryJane

    australian passport interview

    I just assumed they did because, at work, I do all the business visa's for people from Japan, and they have their actual marital status on their passport. .. And its seems to be a pretty standard thing they ask on all forms. I dont know; I havent received the actual application form yet! :o
  6. MaryJane

    australian passport interview

    No, I'm one-half of a de facto... Its people who live together and support each other, share bills and assets, and are in a monogamous (usually sexual, but doesnt need to be) relationship. I've lived with my boy for just over a year (its supposed to be 2), but his parents have 'paid' for my...
  7. MaryJane

    So how is everyone going at Macq?

    You can *never* look forward to legal history :( ... Unless you're some history freak like Rob ;)
  8. MaryJane

    australian passport interview

    Quick question - I'm getting my first passport soon. I'm saying that I'm a de facto, but they wont expect me to prove this in any way, right? Its not like if I was widowed that they'd request my partners death certificate... Totally paranoid, I know :o
  9. MaryJane

    So how is everyone going at Macq?

    LAW314 (Const) - Kill me now. LAW316 (Property) - Awesome! Love my tutor and its just so interesting. PSY306 (psychopathology) - one word: Perfect :D 2 outta 3 ain't bad ;)
  10. MaryJane

    The 'Show us your bookshelf!' thread

    I sell mine :o I need the money more than the books... And I figure if I need them in the future, I'll either buy the new edition, or borrow it from the library.
  11. MaryJane

    Attention Mentors/Mentor Leaders of 2006

    Nup, its in ...'s bedroom *blush*
  12. MaryJane

    3rd year LAW

    Const is really getting to me, I feel like I'm not getting the point of half the things they are talking about.. I mean, I get it, but it seems so... unimportant, like history. Meh. My tutor is also terrible, I'm going to try to switch to a Kelly tute to get away from "Ale" :rolleyes: Hearting...
  13. MaryJane

    Psy104 Quiz

    The biology lady is really scattered, but there isnt much you really need to know. Just concentrate on the different 'waves' of sleep and... lol, thats all I can remember! :D As Anne said, this exam is easy, but its really boring to study for. Like shoot-me-in-the-head boring. I cant remember a...
  14. MaryJane

    3rd year LAW

    I love this thread! :D Perhaps you shouldnt be questioning whether I am the one capable of being a lawyer, seeing you and your friend 'Barry' only appeared on here looking for notes. At least I can get much more than just a crappy pass in second year law units (thats if you really have done...
  15. MaryJane

    Did Telstra give u LOLLIPOP!

    Where is telstra on campus?
  16. MaryJane

    people with microphones on campus?

    Thats Student Life - a Christian group on campus. Basically they interview you on various things to do with, you guessed it - Jesus!! This time of the year they will ask you about Easter, and what happened on Good Friday and all that jazz. For answering their questions, and filling out a form...
  17. MaryJane

    math 130

    Why isn't this (and your other thread) in the proper forum? Please make yourself aware to the subject-specific forums for future questions. Its for your own benefit because the people who can answer your questions are likely to see it (or so the theory goes....) :)
  18. MaryJane

    3rd year LAW

    Yeah, exactly. You're still doing two separate degrees, it just so happens you come out with a 'double' degree.. its all in the name - thats what confuses people. And makes us sound pompus and smart! ;)
  19. MaryJane

    3rd year LAW

    Yeah, you do have to still satisfy the same things still, or otherwise you wouldnt be able to graduate from your BA. All law changes is the fact you do law now - or so I believe - judging by psych. G2G, I'm listening to const now... What exactly am I supposed to be getting out of this, apart...
  20. MaryJane

    3rd year LAW

    Thank you for your bitchiness and sarcasm - you'll fit right in! :) Most people around here introduce themselves, and integrate themselves into the whole MQ forum because we're all one community, not just subdivided forums. It just seemed a bit odd, as you gathered from GoodToGo and my own...