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  1. Seraph

    school holidays!!...yay !

    supergirl ................. ............................ ................................. you...
  2. Seraph

    Religious affiliation

    None here dont even think about it ..... couldnt be more happier
  3. Seraph

    school holidays!!...yay !

    ive been really going over my old notes and going ahead , havent really actually made any new notes because i mean id rather notes as i learn the topic , otherwise you can miss important stuff...
  4. Seraph

    Financial Ratios

    well im assuming its always x : 1 i wouldve thought if the standard is 2:3 you would have to change it to that ratio format
  5. Seraph

    Financial Ratios

    uhh i have a question might as well ask here since its part of fiancnail ratios righto say i have a balance sheet and i calculate my current assets as totalling to 4500 and my Currenet Liabilities totalling to 1000 okay now the acceptable ratio standard for the current ratio is 2:3 So...
  6. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Doesnt matter Henry is very loyal to Arsenal, doubtful he would move ( well anytime soon) and i agree i reckon any other team would just crumble his performance ... always happens ...
  7. Seraph


    Hatty prefers the macarena
  8. Seraph


    ive only ever watched it for carly :D
  9. Seraph

    6 months to go!

    more stressful?? do i have anything to look forward to?
  10. Seraph

    Schema and Schematic Diagram

    hmm well i just did a trial exam I think it was Barker i did a Schema like the one shown in my first post however they had it as an Entity Relationship diagram but i should still be able to obtain the marks right? if there one and teh same ? and btw theres only ever one Primary key in a...
  11. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    man utd would have never caught up anyway *laughs* hahhaha portsmouth hahaha
  12. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    sorry i didnt know you loved Watching Darts and golf so much..
  13. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    i thought SBS? maybe not If fox show it they better show all or most of the games seriously fuckin Fox sports and stuff piss me off , They show stupid stuff like Golf and when they have nothing else to play like POOL or BLOODY DARTS!!! WTF SHow some old soccer matches!! IDIOTS!!!!!
  14. Seraph

    Anyone play diablo 2

    Yo anyone play Diablo 2 on Bnet I just started playing since 1.10 was out!!! i was Teh 1.09 KING!!
  15. Seraph

    PS2 games on the PC??

    how will ut2004 run on a geforce 2 mx 400
  16. Seraph

    ALgorithm problem

    nope i still dont understand this even if the data is retained at next (which i dont see.. ) , how is it shuffled itno place without an appropriate swap algorithm?
  17. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Lmao Arsenal 5 - Leeds 0 Viduka vs Henry no bloody comparsion haha
  18. Seraph

    school holidays!!...yay !

    damn Rub!x you lols alot -_-
  19. Seraph


    huh? So hes an idiot if he gives his place up because he cant win it ??? i confused
  20. Seraph

    cricket sucks!

    Lol India mustve loved that