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  1. Seraph

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    meh i used to be doing 2 subjects a day including maths , but it didnt work , i was doing tiny bits here adn there , it was slow.... and it had me staying up quiet late now i do 1 subject and maths a day wroks well!! and dont bloody change ur routine in the holidays!! If you find you have...
  2. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    yes , you just keep thinking that , but Arsenal are set to win the EPL, now you will see that Henry does not make up the whole team , he is injuired at the moment whether or not he will play in the next couple of games i am not sure of but even without him i believe Arsenal will still take the...
  3. Seraph


    lol actually ive seen some really hot indian chicks ive met some pretty um how do i say.. nasty... Asian girls
  4. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    dissapointing game Yes i've never liked the attitude of Paul Scholes , always been a toss I believe Aliadiare still needs alot of improvement to his game , but Wegner should be playing him carefully.. And Ronaldo's repetetive leg movement lol , Clichy SHOULD have owned him
  5. Seraph

    SDD Major Project Ideas

    uhh , hey for the people using Microsoft Project in their Gantt Chart, is there anyway to save the gantt chart as an image or such just so i could perhaps put it on a document?
  6. Seraph

    Documentation question

    okay , thank you !!
  7. Seraph

    William Hung Album

    Omg die Hung!!! That show on the comedy channel is fully going to bag him out again! and its gonna be funny when he loses all his money , all the chicks will be like wtf!!!
  8. Seraph

    Documentation question

    Hey ppl i have a question .. Is Intristic and Internal Documentation the same thing? they dont even have the word Intristic in my textbook and im just curious Because if i rememeber correctly isnt Intristic JUST the meaningful varialbe names where as Internal documentation includes...
  9. Seraph

    Desk Checking

    Hmmm question are trace tables and desk checks the same thing basically? cause with trace tables it keeps track of the variables and requires updating when necessary , well im pretty sure the Desk check does this as well ???
  10. Seraph

    Exams!! 1/2 yrlys

    its good when tis over Rest time until school begins :P
  11. Seraph

    Exams!! 1/2 yrlys

    well i just finished half-yearlys and im taking the next 3 days off (since they are free holidays no exams on the days) maybe do a bit of maths and work on my projects but then ill start full work again next week when school starts
  12. Seraph

    Ind v Pak series!

    oi how much did Sehwag get in that test match?? 300 + was it ? wat the fuck? crack?
  13. Seraph

    SDD Major Project Ideas

    okay so storyboards dont show the flow of data do they? like where the hyperlinks go back and forth etc/
  14. Seraph

    bit depth and audio file size

    wuh?? Bit depth and audio file size? im confused but ill giev u the audio file size equation 2 IF STEREO 1 IF MONO 2 ( Sampling rate x sampling size x time in sec) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1024 x 1024 x 8 That will give u the size in...
  15. Seraph

    Multimedia Major

    hmm i might do it as a website what would be a good program to use? ive got Frontpage.............. but what about Dreamweaver? maybe i should use that..... ???? i havent got it , but i can easily get it from me mates And geez if u have 41 slides how on earth did u plan the project ...
  16. Seraph

    Multimedia Major

    geez 41 slides..... -_- are we doing the same project here ...... i wonder yea i dont think my school has Hyperstudio though :( not too sure
  17. Seraph

    "Western Civilization"

    you idiot
  18. Seraph

    Multimedia Major

    how much content did you have in your presentation? when i say this what where the basic contents of your presentation ? im asking this, cause im trying to figure out what exactly i should do , like i said the sheet i got has no great info on this
  19. Seraph


    meh about that brawling thing , cant believe the stupid media still claim it was the bulldog fans 2 people have told me already that the roosters were as much involved in it as welll
  20. Seraph

    Multimedia Major

    crickey yes i have a project like this as well it says Multimedia Presentation... geez so you would have quiet alot of Parts to your Presentation aye.... i mean including the online help of course.. how big does this thing have to be.. the sheet i got has no real indication of this.. Also did...