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  1. G


    Hmm, according to the install program I've got the latest update already installed.
  2. G

    Imported games

    Try eBay, or see if any of your friends are going overseas anytime soon.
  3. G

    N00b notebook question:

    Hehe. I knew there was a reason why I dropped chemistry. It actually works fairly well, but I should add I enjoy the smell of vinegar. I used to drink it (in small amounts). :cool:
  4. G

    what makes james ruse better than other schools??

    Do they get to tip cows? Maybe thats why.
  5. G


    Ich bin lumpy bubble-sniffer! It's like it nose me! Haha! I said nose, because my name is sniffer! ;)
  6. G


    When I open up the program this happens: It stays like that. Tried the .jar version and the .exe version.
  7. G


    Ouch. The things you do to look purty.
  8. G

    I'm going to miss school :(

    I'm going to miss seeing my friends every day, miss seeing my teachers, miss the life of the past 13 years. I'm using this quote in my speech at our last formal assembly: Its from “Ulysses” by Lord Tennyson. :)
  9. G

    prelim study helps ` !! ><"

    Hehe. Study for Year 11. Heh.
  10. G

    arm warmers

    Hahahha. :D
  11. G

    Hurricane Katrina

    Man, that was a great game. :)
  12. G

    Kanye West on NBC: "George Bush doesn't care about Black People!"

    I don't think it was right, no, but I can certainly emphasise as to the emotions that caused him to say that. I honestly believe that Bush only cares about people on the boards of billion dollar companies; if you don't have 15 foreign sport cars, then he probably doesn’t care about you and...
  13. G

    Hurricane Katrina

    I know, it's terrible to think that fellow humans are dying because the government—the organisation designed to serve and protect us—is too incompetent to pull their fingers out and do what needs to be done. This interview with Nagin is also heart breaking.
  14. G

    Is it possible?

    I was mostly curious if it was possible. But as WW said, I'm happy to stick with one account.
  15. G

    N00b notebook question:

    I use very mild detergent, mixed with water and a drop or so of vinegar. Or I have those special LCD screen cleaner wipes.
  16. G

    Hurricane Katrina <- Contains some interesting links about the gross mismanagement of the situation.
  17. G

    Is it possible?

    That would be more dramatic had I not publicly announced the fact. :rolleyes:
  18. G

    Is it possible?

    To combine, or someway merge, two accounts? If so who should I PM requesting it?
  19. G

    Has anyone seen....?

    The tune is from 'Carmina Burana' and is called 'O Fortuna' by Orff.
  20. G


    Try repairing your installation of Windows XP.