Search results

  1. G

    Crying before/during/after Exams

    Sometimes I feel like crying, but instead I just dye my hair black and start listening to Simple Plan.
  2. G

    Why Does Australia TV Make Crap

    I don't think Australian tv is crap. Well, not all of it.
  3. G

    Who is the Mole?

    Grant Bowler is The Mole.
  4. G

    Moving out

    Wow, that's tough. :(
  5. G

    The subject I hate most is ...

    English Extension One. :(
  6. G

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    The problem with much of the research thus far in so much as 'is it [good|bad] for you is that the research has been "deeply flawed, with strong bias and poor methodology". Both sides are so desperate to present it as either a horrible substance, far worse then either alcohol or tobacco, while...
  7. G

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    It that Prestige-King's? I would like to read it, if you could provide me a link.
  8. G

    EE1 Trials Results

    Me = 54%. I so suck at this course.
  9. G

    Mistakes in Major Work

    I guess some people here are hoping for marks higher then 45/50.
  10. G

    What plays have you seen this year?

    Ugh. I haven’t seen anything this dear. Evil HSC.
  11. G

    Mistakes in Major Work

    I’m so afraid of finding really bad mistakes in mine. As a result I haven’t read it since I submitted it last week.
  12. G

    Byron Bay

    Sand annoys me. It’s all yellow, and sinster. I get the impression sand, deep down, is sinister.
  13. G

    EE1 Trials Results

    Blather is right. :rolleyes:
  14. G

    Muslim headscarves

    It wonder how well it worked in France? And I’m al for banning religion. ;)l
  15. G

    Shattered Brogden's suicide bid

    More at:
  16. G

    EE1 Trials Results

    Good work! I’m still waiting for mine to get back. I have this ominous feeling that I didn’t do to well, but then I never seem to! Evil extension course...
  17. G

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    I’m currently in the process of turning all of them to pdf format (which, for reading, is better then just leaving it in Word’s .doc format, plus it looks more professional!). When I’m done I put them up on some webspace, and we will have a BoS anthology to impress future generations! If you...
  18. G

    Syllabus (Gen Maths) (English, Adv and EE1) (Ancient History)...
  19. G

    Extended response

    Apparently there is some sort of “security period” on the trials; if this question is from your trial you may want to think about asking it later, otherwise this thread may be deleted, or at best locked.
  20. G

    top hat

    Hahah! What are ya planning? Try a formal hire place, or a costume shop.