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  1. chris42

    Question 3 - do u have to discuss context, purpose, reigster etc ??

    yup we will, it will be fine :)
  2. chris42

    What happens if for some unknown reason we miss an exam?

    What about if you get really sick, like a really bad cold for example ?
  3. chris42

    When do you think ADSL will exceed 1.5 Megabits In Australia

    Yeah, for those of you that can get it.. I'm stuck with 56kb/s with 4 computers running off it.
  4. chris42

    Business Reports??

    Hey, When looking at business reports I noticed in a criteria of the Catholic trial 2003, that in order to get full marks you need diagrams and tables in the report.. It didn't say that in the question but for the HSC do we need to make these things up ?? Also when you set out your...
  5. chris42

    Wilfred Owen

    I think i remember doing this in year 11, its a war poem isn't it ?
  6. chris42

    Question about multiple choice in Cathloic 2003

    Wouldn't buying foreign shares also reduce risk because they are protecting themselves against flucating economic cycles?
  7. chris42

    I.T Textbook

    Yeah, He like revolunised the WWF, system for them in Australia, sounded pretty techncal.
  8. chris42

    this has prolli been asked b4... =P

    Yeah, and I always tend to use up more space anyways so Its all good :)
  9. chris42

    What happens if for some unknown reason we miss an exam?

    Hey, Just out of interest, and hopefully this will not happen, but what happens if we miss an exam because we are sick or some unforseen thing happens? Do their use the other exam marks and scale the missed subject by the the assessment marks you got? So we get an overall UAI from all our...
  10. chris42

    Question about multiple choice in Cathloic 2003

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if you could help me in trying to work out why I got 3 of these multiple choice questions (Which I'm sure I'm right!!:p) wrong. It was the catholic paper 2003 Question 6, the answer was sell index derivative what does this mean ?? Question 16, isn't the...
  11. chris42

    Consumerism - Related Material

    Ok kewl
  12. chris42

    ottawa charter ...PLEASE help

    I did improving performance and Sports Medicine, by the way I think when that server crashed it accidentally sumbited 4 of the same messages of yours.
  13. chris42

    overall ranks

    I think 1st or second out of about 35 people.
  14. chris42


    Yeah, the dreaded HSC... No tv :p... or very little of it
  15. chris42

    Consumerism - Related Material

    Np's and if you ever want some sample essays with these texts used in them just send me a private message, I'll get back to you.
  16. chris42


    Yeah, easily 4 of 5 years from memory on the ABC from memory.
  17. chris42

    Anyone getting sick of study ????

    So the larger room makes it not so bad ? ;)
  18. chris42

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Yeah, that would ruin the ending if you happened to go there, when the series comes to a close :p
  19. chris42

    picking a digital camera

    Yeah.. that is a bit of a problem, that was the great thing about the kodak, the sound recording and its use of compact flash memory which are really cheap these days.
  20. chris42


    Yup.. maybe they did that on purpose to try and keep some continuivity from the movie to the TV series?