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  1. Always

    Who has a pimple right now?

    Ahah, I just killed the twat. Finally. :rolleyes: The secret to clear skin? Forget the 18738934289234 million acne-treating products - just drink water. No joke. Water. I swear I go through about 3 litres a day, not to all the mention fruit + veggies. It's true when they say beauty comes from...
  2. Always

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    Syd Uni is known for it's science courses (and law). The commerce buildings are towards the far eastern side and not even near the pretty grounds. Eurghh, I shouldn't be promoting UNSW. Go to Syd Uni, by all means. :p ;)
  3. Always

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    WHAT?! Tu es fou! 1. UNSW is definitely superior to Syd Uni when it comes to Commerce 2. The UAI for both unis is high enough. It does not need to be any higher. I repeat: the UAI for Commerce does not need to rise.
  4. Always

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Today (pre-year 12 shopping spree): - pale blue cropped blazer-like jacket with gold buttons (my new baby <3) - a few singlets - mid-thigh rouched black shorts (so cute!!) - elle macpherson bra - pale blue headscarf with silver/black pattern through it - Diorshow - Dior Kiss in rose...
  5. Always

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

  6. Always

    Year 11->Year 12/HSC

    Do you guys follow a timetable? I tried at the beginning of the year - didn't work.
  7. Always

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    It currently sits at 95 for UNSW and 97.15 for Bachelor of Commerce (liberal studies) at Syd Uni. WHY IS IT SO DAMN HIGH?? It it rises anywhere above those figures I am going to be one pissed off little girl.
  8. Always

    Who has a pimple right now?

    Proactiv is waaaaayyyyyyy too harsh on most skin. Waste of money in my opinion. I have the Lalisse peel-off mask. It's good for my pores (i think), though I wouldn't repurchase for $40.
  9. Always

    Who has a pimple right now?

    *raises hand* I have one on the side of my forehead. :mad: Where's yours? :D
  10. Always

    J&J Holiday Skin

    I wish I liked the smell.
  11. Always

    hair removal

    Removing hair from "down there" with an epilator is insane. Epilators cut. What if you accidently slip and cut your genitals? Try explaining that one to your doctor. Brazillians hurt the first time. And the second. And the fifth. But after awhile you get over it, grit your teeth, and just do it.
  12. Always

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    Yeah I know it's really unpredictable but I'd like to know the probabilities all the same. =\ Anyone have any idea?
  13. Always

    Will the UAI for Commerce go up??

    What do you guys reckon? Is the UAI for Bachelor of Commerce likely to rise in the coming years at UNSW or Syd Uni? Discuss. :D
  14. Always

    Any instrument players?

    I can't be fucked giving myself or the kids that much pressure. I suffered through all the stress so I'll let them off. haha =P
  15. Always


    That's practically an essay! And I read it all. :p I'm a visual learner and I love the "effects of colour on memory" theories. I did a science experiment on it once. haha! :D
  16. Always

    Home and Away

    Yes, true. :) I even think she's a decent actress. No, she hasn't told. Josh found out her secret and said he won't tell Scott on the condition she becomes his campaign manager.
  17. Always

    Home and Away

    My personal opinion is that Haley should've died during childbirth and be done with. I am a fan of the show. I've been watching the H&A for so long with Bec Cartwright as Haley that the new Haley looks odd and out of place. And yes, I agree I will adjust eventually.
  18. Always

    hair removal

    Brazillians don't hurt as much as everyone assumes. I promise! It's such a good feeling afterwards. Smoooooth... :p
  19. Always


    Big folder which contains: - loose leaf sheets - dividers for each subject - section for assessment notices, tests, etc. (also has dividers) - plastic sleeves - LOTS of colored flags For home: - folder for each subject - I file each topic as soon as I'm done with it so my school...
  20. Always

    Any instrument players?

    I finished grade 7 piano before quitting. The pressure, the pressure, the pressure. Who has time to practise an hour these days anyway. You CAN teach. I teach younger children but I just don't put them through exams.