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  1. GoodToGo

    O-Week @ MQ this year

    One reason ours is different is that we have an Orientation Day where the mentors show the kiddies around and they get addressed by lecturers, that kinda thing. UYSD and UNSW have this on O-Week (the week before uni starts). So really, our O-Week is for everyone while other unis are focused more...
  2. GoodToGo

    Anyone got the same as me?

    Oh you're the funniest poster ever Sweet_Lemon. It's a textbook, not a frickin state of the economy report! The basic principles of ECONOMICS aren't going to change every second.
  3. GoodToGo

    O-Week @ MQ this year

    Haha, what was that about USYD having millions and millions of dollars shells so they were gonna get all sorts of international acts? bahaha. :p There really isn't anything major for O-Week. Mac's O-Week is the first week of classes shelley, so if you were planning to go to your first...
  4. GoodToGo

    Psy 104

    Gleitman is the only textbook I won't part with, despite having dropped psych 2 years ago! Have fun guys, it's a top unit. 105's even better.
  5. GoodToGo

    O-Week @ MQ this year

    Well Macq is their alma mater!
  6. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Hmm... You had it easy compared to some. Some of them were telling me they got there to uni at 2...and I took their photo at 8:30pm. Not happy campers.
  7. GoodToGo

    O-Week @ MQ this year

    Main stage? Denoting more than one stage?
  8. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    They're not allowed to have their own bookshop and a co-op. I've never seen UNSW on the co-op list in my many semesters at uni. My sister who went there for undergrad and graduated post grad there in 2004 does not know what a co-op is. Anyways, enough on that.
  9. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Sorry, but it's true. The UNSW textlist has been up since Feb 1st....and gasp/shock/horror, they're NOT with Co-op.
  10. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Your posts are annoying. And wrong. That is all.
  11. GoodToGo


    Yeah. They don't wanna crash the system. Though they usually make it a couple of hours early instead of 6+.
  12. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    UNSW aren't a member of Co-op from memory. So you might have slightly pricier books at the UNSW book store, but you'll probably save heaps on course readers.
  13. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Thats just the books. Juris has 2 thick readers. Like I said before somewhere...3rd year will send u broke. One of the subjects had 4 core textbooks.
  14. GoodToGo

    can i borrow tapes of lectures at the library?

    Nah, all good. We need a spammer on the macq forum. Hmm what does your siggy with the big-little girl say?
  15. GoodToGo

    westbus concession cards

    Yeah. I always wonder how private bus companies stay afloat when I always see their buses with like 1 or 2 people on em.
  16. GoodToGo

    who is doing what??

    No it's a good question (cos some law students don't know what it means...and they're doing it!). In black letter law you'll generally consider 'whats' and 'hows'? What case has what precedence and what effect does the legislation have, that kinda thing. Opposite of this would be more...
  17. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Cos the author(s) have to update it. Which means the publisher has to pay the author(s). And ofcoures the educational publishing is a it'll only be updated when it's profitable to do so. And there wouldn't be much change usually from 2004 to 2005. But that little change would...
  18. GoodToGo

    can i borrow tapes of lectures at the library?

    Wrong thread!. Heheh. sh*t! :p
  19. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Oh they're newly printed but not necesarily new editions if you know what I mean. They could be like 2002 editions or something.
  20. GoodToGo

    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    Yeah thats the way they always do it. Not much point buying up books that sit at home for 6 months. There'll probably be new books/editions printed in the first half of 05 that the course convenors could no real point assigning sem 2 books so early. And yeah, they have a new text...