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  1. T

    Young Leaders Day

    Haha...well I paid $2.40 for the train trip so suck shit!
  2. T

    Quality not Quantity? (Adv English)

    Is it messy writing? If it is you better get it neater before you do the exams...or the examiners get pissed!
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  4. T

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Werd, thats worthy of a rep!
  5. T

    Captains Club

    Yeah, I'll speak to my Principal about it. I'll have to check if we actually have a bllod bank in our town first!
  6. T

    Plan for new square opposite Town Hall

    I'm sorry, but it has to be said, Sydney is becoming a some places it is truly disgusting. Btw, how come Clover Moore can be Lord Mayor and an MP? I thought that would be a conflict of interest or something. Sartor left to become an MP...I just don't understand it:(
  7. T

    Angelina Jolie buys a baby boy!

    Yeah, well in the words of Ali G: "You need big lips to suck the beast, aight!"
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    Wanna know the question every guy wants to know... How does she feel about me??

    Kate Beckinsale is a fucking babe. I sat through Serendipity because she was in it (it was actually an OK movie). Back on topic...just ask her...don't be a pussy. And yes, seeing someone you like with someone else kills you inside.
  9. T

    What do u think??

    I bet he has got an STD.
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    ^^^ Are you an African-America? Then shut up with all the black talk!
  11. T

    Captains Club

    Ok, firstly, Phanatical-Stop attacking other peoples ideas please...if someone joins their respective SRC then they already have something on their resume...they don't need to add even more. Also, prefects and captains are representatives of the Principal and the school executive, not the...
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    Angelina Jolie buys a baby boy!

    She is so fucking hot, she could buy anything she likes...including me ;)
  13. T

    its not fair

    How old are you buddy? 16? 17?
  14. T

    its not fair

    Make, love is in the palm of your hand.
  15. T

    Captains Club

    Come on guys, don't bitch and argue. I set this up so we could all help each other, not fight. Also, if a moderator sees this can they please sticky it or something so we can pass it down to the next generation of Captains!
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    Young Leaders Day

    $26? We paid $46! However we had some money in a "National Young Leaders 2003" account so we used that!!!
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    Anthony Or Casey

    I reckon Anthony will win, mainly because he's a little bitch and the 12-13 year old girls who the show is aimed at will vote for him.
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I'm sick of bloody women already and I've never even had a serious girlfriend! I'm gonna wait for about 3-5 years before I go out hunting.
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    Captains Club

    Thats a good idea, I may storm the SRC and take it over!
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    Young Leaders Day

    OK, god I'm a dick.