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  1. T

    Captains Club

    My fellow Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects. I am starting a group in which all the Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects can exchange ideas on how to help their school. Anyone interested in joining? If so, put your name, School and position below! By the way, I'm Scott from...
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    What would you prefer to call your teachers by?

    I just call my teachers sir, miss, or by their nicknames if I know them well. My Year 10 science teacher was Cu#t...only behind his back though!
  3. T

    Young Leaders Day

    A person in the other thread said he/she was from that school.
  4. T

    rap artists continue to attack bush

    They either live on the "Westside" or "Eastside." At the YAPA Making Waves conference their was an anti-howard type band. Now, I appreciate music, and I would have stayed even though they where paying out Howard, however, they where the worst band I have ever heard in my life! They were...
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    Young Leaders Day
  6. T

    Major works/BoWs

    We have a history extension class off 3 so the teacher said we can do our own thing! 1 girl is doing the Aztecs, the other is doing the crusades, and I'm doing Napoleon! Should be great!!!
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    Oh No...Scott Peterson Found - Guilty!

    lol...E News! is covering a criminal case! I thought they'd be out doing paparazzi shots of someone.
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    Anyone but Bishop or Tuckey...I don't know why they are even in the Party anymore.
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    dumping lines

    I would say: "I'm sorry [name], your fired!" A guy in the year below me dumped his girlfriend through letter. It was quite amusing as they never talked and she was a mute. I found this out through my brother, who also dated her.
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    Young Leaders Day

    The chicks in 3:16 or some of the school chicks? Did you see the girls with the long skirts? Geez that would be embarassing!
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    Oh No...Scott Peterson Found - Guilty!

    I'm sorry, but how did you follow the actual trial? Via the Peterson fan club?
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    Major works/BoWs

    Yeah, I have a friend who is a manager there...why?
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    The Tempest?

    I have to read it by Tuesday...I don't want to...I'm not going to...I'm gonna get in shit...I better read it.
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    Major works/BoWs

    What topic are you doing in History Extension?
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    Joining Political parites

    And by the way...IT'S LABOR, NOT LABOUR!
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    Joining Political parites

    Not necessarily. If I didn't like something my party did I would stand against it or leave.
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    rap artists continue to attack bush

    All rappers are crap. Anyone who walks arounds saying shit like "dawg" and "werd" are obviously tools, aiight.
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    degree in a day

    Where's it at? How do you get an application form for it?
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    English Advanced

    Yeah, we're doing inner journeys aswell...god I hate English...sorry if my teacher see's this.
  20. T

    So what position of authority are you in?

    Yeah, don't abuse that canteen power. I'd hate to see someone get hurt...or miss their lunch.