Cops have better things to do with their time than pulling over random idiots, some much like yourself.
The idea that "ALOT" of our Police Force is corrupt is absolutely stupid. We have a 15,000 man Police force (or around that) and of that many cops how many are corrupt? 300? 400? How many...
What do you expect them to do? Not chase them? If you drive away any normal person would suspect you had broken some law and didn't want to be captured by the Police, most people don't have anything to worry about and stop. For example, the other day I was coming home from school with a friend...
On NBN they reported that Andrew Bartlett has been stood down and replaced by Lyn Alison. I've actually never heard of this Senator.
Thoughts on the new leadership?
My comments on Indonesia weren't offensive. What is wrong with stating that Muslim extremists may chose to attack Australia. If I'm not mistaken they actually attacked the Australain embassy. Shit, so I was right. If feel you owe me an apology now.