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  1. T

    The Abortion Debate...

    Yeah, Abortions. Sorry, its just I read one of the posts above.
  2. T

    I hate people who delete topics.

    I feel military service is important in certain areas like decisions concerning the Armed forces or military operations.
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    The Abortion Debate...

    Abortions are a legal right and should stay that way. For some women its the only option and taking away Medicare will breed a new breed of "Dole bludger mothers."
  4. T

    what do girls think!

    Exactly, the Ladder Theory reigns supreme. I used to be a "quiet, polite boy" but that never got me anywhere. Now I'm just going to be an arsehole.
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    The Ladder Theory

    I love intellectual whores. Very, very amusing stuff.
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    Earle Page sounds good for their yearly politics talk. However, I've stayed at Austin college before and I've been told they use the same caterers...I won't be able to stand 6 years of shit food.
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    Student Student/College Recommendation Scheme

    Its Scott Thorncraft in year 11.
  8. T

    The Coalition's 'Mandate'...

    Exactly what I said.
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    "Show us your tits" - Army Chopper :p

    Yeah, it was on Sunrise the the Feminazi.
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    When did I insult muslims? I'd like an example please. I have always been objective of EVERY religion.
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    "Show us your tits" - Army Chopper :p

    Did anyone see the feminazi on Sunrise this morning? She was complaining about how "rude" and "offensive" it is.
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    Minimum Wage for Youth

    So, by your logic, children working in sweatshops in Vietnam, getting paid 20 cents an hour, aren't being exploited because they CHOOSE to work.
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    "Show us your tits" - Army Chopper :p

    Quite funny to say the least. However, a little inappropriate.
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    Why are guys so superficial?

    Why are girls bitchs all the time?
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    Bush or Kerry

  16. T

    Minimum Wage for Youth

    In my LGA we have a 25% youth unemployment rate. People are already paid low enough money, without it going further down. No minimum wage means that teenagers, and children, will be exploited by greedy businesses.
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    Please, I would like to see an example. Aquisthian writes total crap. Testosterone supplement? WTF? Cherry, you created a shit thread that has absolutely nothing to do with politics. It belongs in NS.
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    Bush or Kerry

    9/11 still would of happened under Gore and we would of sent tropps over, under Gore.
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    Bush or Kerry

    My "Simplistic agruement" was. This thread is stupid. How else am I meant to put it? Enlighten me, Asquithian. And yes, it is alot of Republicans. Meaning my statement was correct.
  20. T

    Bush or Kerry

    OK, lets look at all the Justices on the High Court. Chief Justice Rehnquist: Appointed by President Nixon (Republican). He also worked as an Assisstant Attorney General in the Nixon years. He was nominated as Chief Justice Of the USA by Reagan (Republican). Justice Stevens: Nominated by...