turns out it doesn't matter if the answers are right or wrong.. as long as you've made a half arsed attempt you should get the 0.5 marks.. LOL
a friend of mine wrote the answers in her book and out tutor just flicked thru the pages and marked it off!!
i've only flown qantas.. but thats only because we only have to pay 10% for a ticket plus taxes...
from what i heard else where, emirates, jal, thai are top notch airlines!!
is that all??
i paid like $100 for mine.. or was it $105...
once they buy it, how much do they sell it for?
i wanna get at least $65- 70 for it.... mines in good condition and its been contacted... :)
i don't have any of the accg texts as well...
if anyones got them, please post the questions.. LOL
tell me how your accg tute goes tomorrow, so i can at least be somewhat prepared.. mines on tuesday! :S
no, there is no web site for this subject specifically...
you gotta to to the library reserve website:
and search for accg105!!
not sure about your assignment question!!
what did you trasnfer into dazed???
i was told when i put in my form it would take roughly around 2 weeks because they usually handle so many transfer requests...
mine got processed the next day and it took 2 business days for the letter to arrive!! but then when i went to change...
ok cool so i can save myself some money and not get econ141...
now i'm looking for accg105.. anyone got any of the 3 texts to sell?? i'm looking for the main text: accounting: building business skills by kimmel et al.....