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  1. nit


    Well that proves it eh? :)
  2. nit

    Co op Scholarships

    well ppl, the eve of a big day when we get told about whether we were successful in gaining interviews...anyone else nervous?
  3. nit

    polymonials question's weird to read these threads after exams. That's all I've got to say :) Maybe not...yeh, sums and products of roots are important. Just handle everything systematically in terms of the factor theorem/long division and sums and products of roots basically. There isn't a terribly...
  4. nit

    ka and pka???

    Darn...I wanted to post that Xiao :) ..yeh, pretty much. Why are you reluctant to use the term "acid dissociation" btw? Also, just a touchy point, but ud probably want to be using a lowry bronsted acid, instead of an arrhenius one. Doesn't make a difference here naturally, but its just...
  5. nit

    Combined Science Medicine Course

    Haha, Lexi, I got some of that info from the Usyd night you attended..ironic :) Edit: On a more serious note, I'm not sure, but I think requirements may have changed in the last couple of months for this course. Last time I checked (September), doing the GAMSAT was a condition for entry into...
  6. nit

    Yeh, in some ways it was tp do with english, but I can also see that it was a damn good question - it basically allows you to do whatever you so desire with the question, which, after all, is what science is about, and not simply ask a whole set of dot-points. I mean, come on let's face it - the...
  7. nit

    Michael Jordan

    Yeh, I did the height thing, as well as looking at it in terms of acceleration and g-forces using an estimated 1 second for the velocity to change, and comparing that to the forces on the occupants of rockets...
  8. nit

    Plank and Einstein's differing view....A plea for help that a personal comment in regards to the answer, or just a general remark on the difficulty of achieving it?
  9. nit

    Plank and Einstein's differing view....A plea for help

    This is a dodgy dot point as I see it. Planck and Einstein had some similar views on the whole social/political impact on science thing - they both believed that science ought to be pursued in and of itself, as opposed to Ernst Mack. It's just that PLanck did some contradictory things- which he...
  10. nit

    ka and pka???

    If you still haven't got your answer in a coupla days I can give it to you, along with the theory...just that right now ive got a physics hsc exam...
  11. nit

    Semiconductor Diodes

    Just a quick question: Does the depletion zone of a semiconductor N-P diode tend to grow over time, or does it remain narrow and constant. Also, related to that, is there increasing resistance associated with this system as electrons quench holes, and does it eventually stop in some sort of...
  12. nit

    pls explain

    You could also say he used Lloyd's mirror and interference patterns. Also, he in fact got an erroneous value for c because he didn't take into account resonance effects in his room. When his results were corrected for this, he approximately came out with Fizeau's 3.15x10^8m/s
  13. nit

    Mathematical model of hydrogen spectrum

    Hmm, Bohr came after Balmer and Rydberg. I think that this is simply the dotpoint which asks how Bohr got to Rydbeg's equation. So you'd talk about Balmer's equation, Rydberg's equation, and say that these were proven by Bohr's (dodgy) methods. If you really wanted to you could derive...
  14. nit

    Combined Science Medicine Course

    In combined med science, you can only do adv sci TSP. I don't think med sci is an option. Also, you still need to do the Gamsat after 3 years, but require slightly less marks than those doing med the normal undergrad/grad way (50-60% or thereabouts I think). Tasks such as those tested in Gamsat...
  15. nit

    lenght contrac/inertial frames

    Yeh, it involves time dilation, and it is very unlikely that it would come up in an exam - time dilation/ relativity of simultaneity seem much more apt for an exam... The length contraction thought exp simply involves shining a light from front to back of a train, and quantitatively analysing...
  16. nit

    Standard Model of Atom?

    Jacaranda makes it quite clear that mesons aren't fermions, and they aren't...
  17. nit

    Conics Formulas

    By the way, there's no apostrophe required before "till". The word exists in the English language.
  18. nit

    Umm principle of relativity

    Yep, all those forms of relativity are required, because it ends up with the fact that any experiment performed in an inertial FOR will not determine whether that frame is moving or still (without reference to a fixed outside point), and then also the fact that if the aether existed and was...
  19. nit

    importance of conservation laws in chadwicks discovery of the neutron

    chadwick substituted the paraffin for nitrogen nuclei, and noted that ll the nuclei he used recoiled in much the same way, with the heavier nuclei recoiling more slowly than the lighter ones. This all pointed towards the fact that the collision was that between two masses, and thus that the...
  20. nit

    standard model of mattrer

    what are the positives/ negatives associated with the model?