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  1. nit

    Lear thing B

    I used same scenes, etc as codename alpha, but basically converted eyre and his context into mine, used his ideas in conjunction with some extensions id developed for his production, and only fleetingly mentioned eyre himself... I did the whole 1.1, 5.3 thing and referred to kott's essay, as...
  2. nit

    now that you've done the exam what do you think you'll get

    hoping 90+ aligned and raw
  3. nit

    testing for phosphate ion

    add ammonium molybdate and nitric acid, and it will be a pale yellow ppte, and add ascorbic acid and ull get your blue ppte
  4. nit

    Option 4 - Chemistry of Art

    yeh, marks for random stuff - it was fairly easy to blab on tho...generally sweet and very much dot-point-orientated
  5. nit

    anyone knows how the dispersion forces works

    Yep, van der Waals' or London intermolecular forces
  6. nit

    anyone knows how the dispersion forces works

    you probably don't need to know this, but it's to do with the setting-up of instantaneous dipoles within substances due to the motion of electrons "revolving" about the nucleus. It only acts for an instant between neighbouring atoms/ ions and hence is weak.
  7. nit

    Tests for total N and P

    phosphate conc is measured by addition of ammonium molybdate, nitric acid, then ascorbic acid, followed by colorimetry, while nitrates are converted into nitrites and then into a reddish/purple organic complex and spectrophotometric tests are carried out on that. As for the N:P ratio, that's...
  8. nit

    Confess, again. How many pages did you write?

    Module A: 7 Module B:6 Module C:7 13 words/line
  9. nit

    need help with BNW quote

    The director on Bokanovskification I think
  10. nit

    Question 2

    I chose the journey over time option. Man on river, charting the history of a colonised civilisation, using symbols/images on the sides of the river and linking these to the history of the civilisation, through to colonisation, with the point of the story being that the destination of the...
  11. nit

    Confess. How many pages did you write?

    S1-4.5 S2-4.5 S3-6 14 words/line
  12. nit

    Immigrants at central station, help !!

    You can interpret in any way you want to, but I get the feeling that skrzynecki is trying to create a metaphor or correspondence between the train and serves to complicate the journey in terms of time - the sense that time seems to move ahead leaving them in the past, but also that...
  13. nit

    Peter Skrzynecki

    theoretically, all of the poems are supposed to be good for physical journeys
  14. nit

    help please! (complex numbers)

    Or you could do a little lemma thingy with IabI = IaIIbI, then do a nicer induction using just z's and k' inspection :uhhuh:
  15. nit

    cyclotron question

    particle accelerators...meh, it's all phys
  16. nit

    Silly But confusing Q - haber process

    roughly 500 celsius, 350 atm
  17. nit

    cyclotron question

    i thought you would've needed a charge on the particle because the only way you get it onto one of the "dees" is by electrostatic attraction to one of them. Maybe its magnetic properties are useful in dealing with rotating charges, but you don't really need to accelerate neutrons into nuclei in...
  18. nit

    Formation of ozone

    Meh...who needs to be given constants should know those :)
  19. nit

    Formation of ozone

    Acids/bases was no doubt the best topic - minimal work, most fun, easy marks. Monitoring and management, and especially the ozone and water set of dot-points was rather painful. Chem of art was nice and easy as well, though it was annoying that there weren't really any calculations for...
  20. nit

    Ethene and Ethanol

    Conc sulfuric is used for dehydration, dilute is used for any reactions in which it purely acts as a catalyst. As for the difference between phosphoric and sulfuric acids in terms of their catalysing properties for the hydration reaction, there's not much difference. They are both required to...