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  1. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    All those white spaces are for last minute panic formula's that I've forgotten. Trust me, it will be full by the exam. Shit, like sp!... Or have I done it? I cant think, its too early :p Oh, and how to work out the SS of Interaction. DF is easy, but have we even learnt how to calculate SSI?
  2. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    Yeah, its a pretty unique name so it was pretty safe you assuming you were talking to the "right" person :) So here are my notes that I'm taking into the exam. Hope they are readable. Not as detailed as your notes obviously because its only the formula sheet, but just to check we have the...
  3. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    I havent really started studying as such.. just written up my sheet which surprisingly took a long time - nearly 4 hours by the time I went through the slides and that green book at the front to make sure I have everything. I'll take some pics and upload them, just need to steal Skittled's...
  4. MaryJane

    Car-Theft Ring Targeting Macquarie.

    Geez, I wish someone would steal my car. Its insured for double what I paid for it! ...Somehow though, I doubt anyone would want to steal a 85 bright yellow Corolla for its parts :(
  5. MaryJane

    So........whose finished?

    Grrrr.... Another two weeks of hell for me :( So want to go shopping and buy nice things and think of christmas and decorate my house! :D
  6. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    Nice work guys - we made it! Dont you two ever leave BoS before the end of our degree or I'm screwed!
  7. MaryJane

    How to find Semester 1 2006 Law Subjects?

    No, it is not guaranteed whether the subjects will be run next semester. They have recently updated the course, so I'd speak to the academic law advisor for undergrads, Anne McGuigan. Her email is: Enjoy law at Macquarie: its great! :D
  8. MaryJane

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    lol at Anne! I've heard that too, but I dont want to save the world, just children from fucked up families! :) Well, all 2nd year students are online at the moment fretting about our exam! Personally, I love law. I think the course is really well-structured, the lecturers and tutors all...
  9. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    lol, I like your thinking! So did you actually conclude that she would be acquittded? I'm always hesitant to say things like that, so I've said that its a strong case for Kylie re: her confession being inadmissible, but if that doesnt happen, she's pretty screwed in relation to the drug...
  10. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    Ah yes, the custody officer. Yeah, in the evidence act s. 138 and 139 it talks about how the accused must be cautioned prior to every interview. Because Kylie was only cautioned once upon arrest and once by the custody officer before the first interview, it makes only the first interview...
  11. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    I said that the police could alternatively charge her under s. 180 of the crimes act, but thats literally it. Are you counting your footnotes in your word count? Just dont want you to get a nasty surprise :)
  12. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    haha, no, no still here. Just editing my essay v. slowly while procrastinating on the internet!
  13. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    Thats all I've wrote about too: Williams and the 4 hour thing. I couldnt think of anything else for that part. I dont think my essay is weighted correctly (as in the %ages) but oh well!
  14. MaryJane

    Getting to know you

    I think I win. I have a sony TV, about 34cm which I got off eBay for $20! Perfect working order - I've had it over a year :D And I cant believe Kmart music is played throughout the night... They could have an all-night disco!
  15. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    Congrats honey, hope you enjoyed your Maccas! :p I'm nearly finished mine, just doing a few more re-reads over it and trying to cut out the crap - only 55 more words to cut!! :D I have to hand it in at 3, so I lose 2 hours which is a bit crap, but its my own fault. Sigh, back to law...
  16. MaryJane

    iLectures -- Getchya iLectures!

    Ah, I see.... Hmm... not much help then! I think they are running torts next year, second semester (but not too sure as they have changed the course framwork). You could always do postgrad law! :p
  17. MaryJane


    Morning! I was one of the MQers off sleeping, but in a bed, not the library :p Asylum, seriously, dont fret. Its simple as anything. 5 short-answer questions, and you can pick between 20 topics or something. Most of them are on specific readings or concepts, so you dont have to remember...
  18. MaryJane

    iLectures -- Getchya iLectures!

    I adored torts, it was fantastic, so interesting and everything just clicked. I'd say if you want to get ahead, look for a book called torts:cases and commentary by huntz and hambly (or some name like that). I have it for sale, but I doubt you'd want to buy it without knowing what book you're...
  19. MaryJane

    iLectures -- Getchya iLectures!

    Stazi, you seriously do not want the crim law lectures. She stands there and reads them out off her lecture piece of paper which she then makes available off our e-reserve system. No one downloads them, and she's told her tute's that they are stupid if they sit there and listen to her dictate...
  20. MaryJane

    Criminal Law Take Home Exam

    Yeah, it is a double hit of inadmissibility. Basically, it seems like the police wont be able to escape the fact they were dodgy about nearly everything, but it all depends on judicial discretion (hate it!). The crimes act overwrote it.. I think its around s 352, ro s 356 or something. There...