Search results

  1. MaryJane

    Job for Accounting/Finance student!

    Hey guys and girls! I dont know whether any of you are as obsessed with checking careerhub as I am, but I saw this and thought of all those accounting and finance kiddies on here! Here is the job description; hope someone might be interested! Junior Office Assistant Closes: 01-Mar-2006...
  2. MaryJane

    Enrolment dates for new students...

    Hmm.. I thought Steve posted, but I dont know what happened. But basically he said you have to go in on the day specified for those with past credit. If you go in on the earlier day, they wont allow you to enrol and thus it will just be a complete waste of your time. And you have to bring your...
  3. MaryJane

    Would you recommend?

    Dont do stat170 yearly. Seriously. It will kill you with its boringness, repetitiveness, slowness and horrible lecturer. Plus, as ryan said, they dont let any first years do more than 14cp a semester.
  4. MaryJane

    Online Payment >.<

    No, you dont need to wait for the invoice at all. Just pay, especially if you're going away. Plus, if you wait until you have the invoice, there will be the whole debacle like last year when we didnt get the invoice for second semester until we actually asked for it :rolleyes:
  5. MaryJane

    Enrolment dates for new students...

    The worst they could do is just turn you away, no big deal. I'm sure my boy could answer this, but he'd probably scream and tear his hair out, seeing he's giving out such information to people 8 hours a day, and then having to repeat himself because they dont listen. Sorry, his stress and...
  6. MaryJane

    Old style cigarette holders

    Yeah Jess, those are the ones. Ta Glitter, I might just take you up on that offer, but I'll check out good ol' eBay, and look at tobacconists. Hopefully they have kinda cheap ones, not just nice ones to be engraved as I dont smoke!
  7. MaryJane

    Old style cigarette holders

    Does anyone know whether those old style cigarette holders women had have a special name? I really need one for a 21st party outfit, but cant find one on eBay, but I dont know whether thats because there arent any, or whether its because they are called something special. The ones I'm talking...
  8. MaryJane

    My MQ Email down?

    Tis fixed!! They called me Ms. Yvette in the email - so cute! :p
  9. MaryJane

    My MQ Email down?

    I know, I do the same too! All the important ones, or ones where I'm trying to be serious and leave an impression instead of having them reply to an immature hotmail address I've had since year 7. The site is down for me too... So bad. Not impressed Mr. MyMQ!
  10. MaryJane

    Are there any good Christian Clubs at MQ?

    I'll never forget what an onamatapoea is. I remember this poem in year 8 written by some black woman, and she was the goddess of onamatapoea poems according to my teacher. Yeah, Asy is right, its a word that describes a sound, like woof or rustle... great times! :D
  11. MaryJane

    Are there any good Christian Clubs at MQ?

    Well said! And Jamie, I had a similar experience once, but you learn fast. Like classical conditioning. You see them coming and you start to run :) They once pestered me and a friend with their guise of chuppa chupp-giving, but they videoed our responses for one of their midnight clut...
  12. MaryJane

    Are there any good Christian Clubs at MQ?

    Just like Hitler, but he used speech, not text messages. ;) But seriously, the only religious group I know on campus is StudentLife. I avoid them at all costs. They're like telemarketers - they attack during a meal break (generally on the lawn near mac theatre under the trees) and are...
  13. MaryJane

    My MQ Email down?

    I just contacted myMQ help. Basically, yes, there is a problem with my email, but they have no idea why. It could be due to the maintenance on the weekend, but even thats a long shot. I wonder how long it will take them to rectify this... The countdown is on! :D
  14. MaryJane

    My MQ Email down?

    The uni must hate me - its a conspiracy I tells you!! I tried to send myself an email from my hotmail account to my uni account and vice versa, but neither have worked. I'm totally confused... I dont like technology :( Ta Asy! :)
  15. MaryJane

    My MQ Email down?

    Does anyone know whats going on with I'm trying to get into my email because I'm expecting an extremely important email today, and the bastard wont let me in! Usually, it forwards to my hotmail account too, but doesnt seem to want to do that anymore. Grrr, hating uni and their crappy...
  16. MaryJane

    Community Legal Centres

    I've looked into this, and I've saved the application for the Broadway CLC, because MQ's one is out west far, far away. This would be a great experience, but, like MiuMiu, the waiting list is hella long. There are also separate forms if you want to apply for your graduate practical training...
  17. MaryJane


    I dont know about commerce, but what others have said, yes, you dont major in law. There are electives in your 4th and 5th year, and you can pick ones that compliment each other and will give you a much more in depth understanding of a certain aspect/area of our legal system. In regards to...
  18. MaryJane

    Ahhh! Trouble with Psych units! Help

    As soon as you do psych, you do stats, there is no 4-year limit. And I think you'll find that maths is *recommended* for stats in uni, but its not a prereq. As for what maths you do at school, it doesnt matter because, back in my day anyway, there *was* no statistics done at school. Stats is...
  19. MaryJane

    Work experience

    Careerhub. It seems every university has a careerhub (or something similar). Its basically a career website for uni students, and employers list their jobs available to students. You need your student number to access it though. If you can find it, its the best. Other than that, you can always...
  20. MaryJane


    Has anyone ever had a seminar, as opposed to a lecture/tute format? If so, do you need to attend each one? Is it like a tutorial where they have a role? I'm thinking of doing one, but want to know whether I can skip it every once in a while and just listen to the ilectures from the day...