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  1. abdooooo!!!


    im gonna go spy on a few ruse nerds when school starts... i should just catch the carlingford line train again... hahaha... watch me knock one of them out with my fist to reduce competition. :D
  2. abdooooo!!!

    Syllabus Question

    nah its the same thing... it just means you have to define, describe, explain... like i did it with dot points. then at the end you have like a 2 or 3 sentence conlusion which is something like the advantages clearly outweighs the disadvantages as stated above... crap like that. its not...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    Please explain

    thats what Xayma said, i think, you misunderstood his post. im a expert at electron theory of electricity. :D i would just like to point out that electricity is a flow of charged particles, ie protons, electrons... and not just electrons. but in common metals its 99.9% electrons because of...
  4. abdooooo!!!

    Death and Decay question

    errr... that question is gay. and i am so stupid...
  5. abdooooo!!!

    Soccer Thread 2004

    correction and the lines men. :D
  6. abdooooo!!!

    dot point 3.2.4

    yes kim. ;)
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Syllabus Question

    yea i seen that as well... but i reckon there are some anal english markers who made it into the science marking centre and they fully deduct marks for grammatical mistakes like plurals and dot points.
  8. abdooooo!!!

    Syllabus Question

    i can't write good... i have good logics of basic facts... but using english to explain it is just beyond my capabilities. i write too slow to even have to time to think of sentences.
  9. abdooooo!!!

    Syllabus Question

    yea fully everything... my teacher said they have nothing against dot points. but if i don't do it in dot points i can't even finish half the paper.
  10. abdooooo!!!


    nah man... he is UN person.
  11. abdooooo!!!


    what the... ahaha... i wonder what happened in the exams. a bunch ruse nerds look at each other... umm... picks out the mistake and re-writes the question. :D
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Soccer Thread 2004

    yea i rigged it... like i said before there was no suprise... Liverpool = winner other EPL = losers
  13. abdooooo!!!


    i seriously doubt that too... but i think it is. typo that is.
  14. abdooooo!!!


    oh ya 25... the guys name. is he in UN now?
  15. abdooooo!!!

    King Lear

    how so? i don't why i cried reading it... umm... gay!
  16. abdooooo!!!

    Soccer Thread 2004

    damn you. :p they'll win again... and it'll be no suprise.
  17. abdooooo!!!

    reminiscing abt yr 7

    umm... the memory of year 7... i saw a bunch of year 12s in a leb vs turk warfare... now that was funny. a guy pulled out a knife and was gonna stab other guy the the teacher came held him... but teacher got cut ahahaha. :D it couldn't be drugs... its proven fact that junkies make you smart.
  18. abdooooo!!!


    LOL@kim. why would you answer it... its trick a question... of course 13 is better... the bigger the better. ;)
  19. abdooooo!!!

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Yea... Liverpool won!!!
  20. abdooooo!!!


    what the???