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  1. MoNNiE

    Long Distance Relationships

    SA!! what was i thinking?! ! anything overseas is just wayyy too far... for me.. it's SORTA okay if it's interstate [ well maybe not if they guy is in NT or WA] but hmm.. that's just me
  2. MoNNiE

    Long Distance Relationships

    currently i am in one.. it's very stressful not getting to touch or feel to person u feel so strongly about. we do talk on the phone everynight and as possible web cam with each 'check' each other out. but as TIB said.. [and i totally agree with her] 5 mins of hugging is worth 1hr of...
  3. MoNNiE

    sex position

    hahaha oh ZORRO you make me horny with that pic :D
  4. MoNNiE

    hello world!

    where the fuke did this place come from!!
  5. MoNNiE

    what do u do when the one u like, likes someone else?

    shit~! i do that all the time!
  6. MoNNiE

    Thread Nieuw

    youjust had to spam in every thread robert didn't you!!
  7. MoNNiE

    Final Exam Timetable Now Available

    Good luck everyone with final exams :)
  8. MoNNiE

    is anyone from 1st yr planning on transferring?

    how can u say that about the couches!! i fell asleep on them on last wednesday! --it's good to be small :p
  9. MoNNiE

    is anyone from 1st yr planning on transferring?

    his assignment of course.. assigment!! i would never do an over night.. that's just insane.. i'd probably end up doing one in the future though@
  10. MoNNiE


    do civil at UNSW dude..
  11. MoNNiE

    custom status

    it goes by 6 months from when you joined bos is when u get it... regardless of post count.. yours should be activated on the 21st of this month =p long way away dude!! unless you become a spam ham`
  12. MoNNiE

    How big is it??

    try translations are alright..
  13. MoNNiE

    How much does maths suck right now

    i wanna do HSC maths again TT
  14. MoNNiE

    is anyone from 1st yr planning on transferring?

    yes internally i was considering applying for combined international studies with engineering but my mother is strikingly oppose to me doing it... then i thought about business.. the idea didn't hit me in the head -- cus i hate business... externally yes though i eventually did NOT submit...
  15. MoNNiE

    Final Exam Timetable Now Available

    all next week -- so sucky 17/6/04 (thursday) mathematical modelling 1 18/6/04 (friday) physical modelling 19/6/04 (Saturday) intro to civil engineering >-< w00t~ 6 weeks holidays!!! back to studying again..
  16. MoNNiE

    Maths assignment

    you sure ?! some dude posted on our math modelling board about it..
  17. MoNNiE

    Maths assignment

    new member will change when u have contributed to the board more often -- ie posts more; non-school does not count as for the maths assignment i still havn't recieved it back yet.. but i know my mark... about 3/4 i would estimate copied off others.. but i have no reason to dob neone in...
  18. MoNNiE

    Dentistry costs!! -______-

    Harsh~!!! be nice Alvin, otherwise i won't be nice to you..:p actually you wouldn't mind that would you.. lol! -- err did i just say that!
  19. MoNNiE


    PAN PAN...........smells
  20. MoNNiE


    shh~! don't rub it in my face!! actually elssa isn't that bad.. they just help you with your assignments =p