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  1. MoNNiE


    errr... it'll be better when renovations are finished between building 1 and 4; other then that i'd rather the UNSW campus... all the green grass - NOT stoner grass
  2. MoNNiE

    Jobs and Salaries type in the job occupation and it should give you a rough estimate on how much you would be earning
  3. MoNNiE

    Maths Ext. 1 Formulas Any1?

    you sound like me.. my suggestion is to progressively create your own forumla book each time you encounter something new within the maths course , add it into it along with other small notes which maybe be helpful. -- so by the time you are in the holidays -- BEFORE the HSC exams start-- you...
  4. MoNNiE


    1. don't ask me~ 2. i think -- if i'm remembering correctly, all you need to do is complete the course; i see no reason for you to repeat yr 11 again! as kulazzi may have noted -- the best 10 units are taken.. remember usually 12 units that are needed to satisfy the requirements for prelim
  5. MoNNiE

    maths prelim half yearly results

    you shouldn't worry too much; your still in the early stages -- prelim!! as without wings said just practice and you shall see improvement =) just keep this in mind -- the more you get yourself to practice your maths/or any other subject to that matter, the better prepared you become when...
  6. MoNNiE

    What are your standards??

    a HD is the ultimate prize =p HEY! it makes you work!! but usually i'm pretty content if i get a credit or a distinction
  7. MoNNiE

    Non-inky/smudgy pens for left-handed people?

    maybe they should just open up a lefty shop... problem solved~
  8. MoNNiE

    If you could do the HSC again, which subjects would you change?

    hmm i did prelim mathematics ext 1 english adv. multimedia chemistry physics hsc - i dropped chemistry if i were to sit the HSC again -- which i would love to do.. but can't because of parents i would not have done physics; instead i would do economics or business studies -- however...
  9. MoNNiE

    Non-inky/smudgy pens for left-handed people?

    they 430 stad are quite good, THE MEDIUms force my writing to become bigger :p the papermate kilometre or whatever they are called are substantial aswell though, it does leave my hand blue... my suggestion if you do plan to use inky pens is to write on an angle or write in the air@ -- i know...
  10. MoNNiE

    University Mid-year offers

    quick question regarding the mid year tranfers are UAC basing the selection vai our UAI or are they going to look at your marks -- or it is a combination of both! because seriously i'm lost on that notation
  11. MoNNiE

    Calling all university students!

    i would like to see content along the lines of exam papers Q AND A! and some area which can actually answer questions we may have regarding our course or subject [ altough i know the university provides such an area; but sometimes nobody ever posts there or even replies -- eg intro to civil...
  12. MoNNiE


    :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh: :uhhuh:
  13. MoNNiE

    Blackfriars Campus

    i didn't see that msg.... are u saying lexi and myself are dumb and lazy saladsurgery!~ hah.. actually i'd have to sorta agree.... the plans are within the foyer of the science building 4.. the entrance along harris st across from building 6
  14. MoNNiE


    they think you FOB~ LOL classic fob talk there robert =P
  15. MoNNiE

    Blackfriars Campus

    oo have u's seen the plans for the construction area between building 1 and 4?~ so's all FLAT! uts is getting a quad :p i wonder when it'll be finish though..
  16. MoNNiE

    Engineering....which uni?????

    haha you would of had one of my friends mentoring you around uts engo is so so i guess
  17. MoNNiE


    YERP! cus of the crappy job i did with my assignments~ which i advise all of you to actually 'try'
  18. MoNNiE

    Blackfriars Campus

    eheh! true lexi!! hey i looked at the blackfriar map... i found building 7?~!! though.. i dunno whats in it
  19. MoNNiE

    Blackfriars Campus

    itn't it for arts?~!!!!!!
  20. MoNNiE

    Fisher Library is Scary

    yerp that's correct... i hate the security gates still... if you don't go through 'fast' enough.. it tries to eat you...