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  1. MoNNiE

    Do you know or are you an International Student???

    haha! don't start with honkie fashion...
  2. MoNNiE

    group tutorial presentations

    i understnad ur grief chookyn :p i would suggest for u to get to know other people in ur tut group first...then from there u can see who u do or do not want to be with.. but sometimes the tut's like allocating u to a group... u just need to stand ground and force them to participate..the more...
  3. MoNNiE

    Lazy uni students

    i've runout of steam for uni lately.. lack of sleep and annoyed because of work...i wouldn't mind differing for 1 yr but then.. because my degree is 5 years. i would rather finish studying.. i'll take a year off at the end.. everything will become more clearer then.. besides u wouldn't want...
  4. MoNNiE

    HSC paper

    3hrs in the mathematics exam goes by relatively fast! as long as ur focused and motivated u can do it! just don't do what i did and fall down a hill 10mins before the exam starts; and not tell the supervisor ur in pain with ur knee bleeding~
  5. MoNNiE

    American Idol [NEW POLL]

    hear hear!! i wanted that jennifer hudson to win!!! fantasia realli annoys me... i dunno why.. my verdict is diana would most likely win.. but i am probably wrong!
  6. MoNNiE

    Mary's Wedding

    ehhe yeah through alot of princess training she became a royal :p but yer.. did anyone notice the queen's husband.. that french dude... he kept fiddling around... it was funni!
  7. MoNNiE

    terrific! aphrodite got evicted

    lol! merlin is cute and seems nice.. but i guess it's different in real life aye..:p i havn't realli watched bb it's boring for the first 5 weeks... then it starts to get a tad interesting
  8. MoNNiE


    is it only me, but does anyone else feel like screaming at the person who collaborated our timetable to have physics and maths next to each other...~! and then for ppl in civil - like myself - to have their exam the day after..?~~! $@# i know its a prelim one.. but still~!!!!:chainsaw:
  9. MoNNiE

    Forum Meetup

    yer.. i bumped into robert last tuesday... totally unexpected for a min i thought i was in non-school (cus of the thread name~)
  10. MoNNiE

    Programming Courses

    youknow u like it :p
  11. MoNNiE


    that same senerio happened with our school.. usually i found that the questions they ask in the yr 12 half yearly exam different from the questions that had been asked during prelim... such as the questions that had been asked in the h/y tend to focus more on the business senerios and how it...
  12. MoNNiE


    you know you like it Eugene!
  13. MoNNiE


    lol... nooo....barbra streisand!~!
  14. MoNNiE

    Scaling of Eng?

    hmm if youget prettygood marks like 80 -> it would do more within the scaling then if u were an average student (average would be around 60 - 80 ~ maybe... i'mpushing numbers i think scaling for engineering should change... hmm ur lucky! i'mnot...:( but i'mliving with it, and actually...
  15. MoNNiE

    Maths assignment

    ehe.. oorhh okies... well i'm still at uni bumming, going to leave now..for home.. :) i still can't do question 2
  16. MoNNiE

    Survivor Allstars!

    has survivor finished already?? i know who wins... it's regretable that rupert was kicked out... i think he deserved it..~! jenna.... i dun like her...he personality is soo.... i dunno how to discribe it
  17. MoNNiE

    Maths assignment is my MSN contact with question 1a - bascially you split the equation m^1/2x into (m^0)(m^1/2) and then use the product rule... remembering that m^0 is 1 he might?~! are you still at uni?
  18. MoNNiE

    Maths assignment

    it can go die~!!!! i've done question 3..and 1 my friend and i have been trying to figure out q4 but are still having 'minor' difficulties. i'm doing question 2 now... it doesn't seem too difficult if u can understand Dr. cradocks explaination -- which i don't~! but i'll try it
  19. MoNNiE


    take mine~!! i'm getting over te smell now...i'm use ot blue by ralph lauren.. but then in excess amounts it's not good!! j'dore?! clinque happy light and blue issey miyake - hot stuff~!
  20. MoNNiE

    The New "Hanson" Album

    lol it's about time someone spoke out about hason's new album~! it's pretty alrite to tell ya the truth...they've all grown up and have this rock NOT pop edge minus dorky hairstyles aswell :P i still fuekn hate taylor~! -- in answer to the main question it should be releasing sometime this...