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  1. DownInFlames

    How old/young is too old/young?

    This has been done before.
  2. DownInFlames

    Songs for yr 12 video?

    Yeah how good are songs you do in class! We 'learned' from that one in PE. Also: Billy Joel - We didn't start the fire. Yr 7 history lessons. friggin awesome
  3. DownInFlames

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    Is there any other way you can contact him? It would help. Tell your parents. They'll just have to deal with it. They'd be madder if they found out you'd had an abortion. You need someone, and they ARE going to find out. Getting smashed and stoned doesn't express "really mature for my age." You...
  4. DownInFlames

    Songs for yr 12 video?

    you walked out to paris to berlin?
  5. DownInFlames

    Songs for yr 12 video?

    Life Is A Highway - Tom Cochrane The Impression That I Get - Mighty Mighty Bosstones (just for the hell of it)
  6. DownInFlames

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    too right. maybe you can shed some light on this situation?
  7. DownInFlames

    Somebody Please Help

    female, left. we should do an arm-crossing one too. my right hand goes underneath
  8. DownInFlames

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Don't let gender confuse you. I could be anyone. ;)
  9. DownInFlames

    Ancient History - Require Urgent Help! =(

    The city that you should have studied, that Spyridon Marionatos discovered.
  10. DownInFlames

    The SONG that changed my life !

    <3 Pete Murray in general
  11. DownInFlames

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Awwww. I'll be your boyfriend.
  12. DownInFlames

    FRISBEE: Friend or Foe?

  13. DownInFlames

    DET blocked BOS???

    oh the irony!
  14. DownInFlames

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I've never had a girlfriend.
  15. DownInFlames

    FRISBEE: Friend or Foe?

    Don't ask God for that one. I don't think he'll aquiesce to your request very soon. better to take matters into your own hands.
  16. DownInFlames

    FRISBEE: Friend or Foe?

    hey, frisbee is pretty serious business. I broke up with my last boyfriend because he didn't let me play on the guys team after the girls team from my school got scratched. Then I went to another school, joined their team and beat the other team, just to show my boyfriend who's boss.
  17. DownInFlames

    FRISBEE: Friend or Foe?

    It's cause God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
  18. DownInFlames

    FRISBEE: Friend or Foe?

    Yes. It's serious business, frisbee, and if he can't understand that he should gtfo.
  19. DownInFlames

    Year 12 Jerseys

    I am quite in love with my size small sack. I filled it with potatoes and garlic to ward off the pygmy children in my wardrobe. I think I could fit two of me in it <3