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  1. DownInFlames

    How to get over ur first love?

    It may just be my brain not working, but I have no idea what you just said.
  2. DownInFlames

    Harwood: my essays

    Re: my essays On the Board of Studies website you will find past papers for everything. These are accompanied by marking packages: print off the marking criteria and read it, then read your essay really critically. Mark it like a teacher would. Circle every time you use a word incorrectly etc...
  3. DownInFlames

    hey would any former year twelves or anyone starting yr 12 help?

    from what I've heard general maths and ancient history don't scale too well but if you do well at them you can do fine.
  4. DownInFlames

    bestfriend that took my boyfriend

    maybe the whole experience will turn him off women forever. that happened to a girl i know... lol
  5. DownInFlames

    A Mathematician's Love Letter

    I'd tap that
  6. DownInFlames

    Breaking up just before both of our formals…

    a) no Go to your formal by yourself and hang out with your friends. Or, if taking your girlfriend was in fact a way of escaping the fact that you have no friends, talk to you maths teacher the whole night. It'd be hot. b) no Just don't do it. Breaking up MEANS breaking up. You don't break up...
  7. DownInFlames

    good alternatives/indie

    Josh Pyke
  8. DownInFlames

    Bush says "Saddam killed all the Mandela's"

    Seconded. Of course he was using a fucking metaphor. Bashing him for it is facile.
  9. DownInFlames

    What music do you listen to whilst studying?

    Ben Harper's pretty good to study to
  10. DownInFlames

    Year 12 Farewell Song

    Do you go to Merewether High by any chance?
  11. DownInFlames

    Ancient History - Require Urgent Help! =(

    There's a link above for my Thera study notes from last year if you want them.
  12. DownInFlames

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    chairs flying across the room and everything. excellent. Edit: Nice pun, btw
  13. DownInFlames

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    'sif anyone pays attention to the law anyway. As I said, the ones who are don't want to yet, cause they get the fact that it has the potential to majorly screw up their lives/ relationships at this point.
  14. DownInFlames

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    Welcome to BoS: The land of sweeping generalizations. On the other hand, i'm pretty much right.
  15. DownInFlames

    How old/young is too old/young?

    And you were damn right there, weren't you :D
  16. DownInFlames

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    14-15 year olds who are mature and responsible don't want to have sex. yet.
  17. DownInFlames

    How old/young is too old/young?

    cause he knows in his heart of hearts he was dating a prepubescent girl when he was 15.
  18. DownInFlames

    How old/young is too old/young?

    kudos to you :D
  19. DownInFlames

    How old/young is too old/young?

    The issue is that at her age, 3 years was a quarter of her life. 15 is almost legal, 12 is starting high school. do we see the discrepancy here?