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  1. fallenstar

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    Hey everyone, how'd you go? Post your results
  2. fallenstar

    Anything that you would like?

    I have a suggestion for the BOS... Can you guys please answer the question of whether the School Certificate marks are scaled?? A lot of people say scaling only occurs in the HSC but some say it happens in the SC exams too, depending on how the State performs... Can you please tell us if it...
  3. fallenstar

    english SC bands.

    I understand what you're saying - the scaling thing, depending on how the state performs in the exam - but so many people are saying scaling only occurs in the HSC and not in the SC at all.. I'm confused as to whether it actually takes place for us or not.. BOS please clear this up!
  4. fallenstar

    Science Skill Section

    Hahaha :) .. BTW, someone mentioned the LED plastics multiple choice one.....Everyone keeps tellin me the answer was 'renewable resources' but i put 'less heat would go into the surroundings'... I was so certain! & still kinda am, but u know when ppl question it u begin to doubt! Was i right...
  5. fallenstar

    Time-wise, how did you go?

    English - I had about 8 mins left. Science - I had about 10 mins left. Maths - I ran out of time. History/Geography - I had 3 mins left. Computers - Had like 40 mins! lol & i went over everything..still had ages. & our school wouldn't let anyone leave either. Even when EVERYONE had finished...
  6. fallenstar

    Subject choices for next year

    My choices are: Eng Advanced Eng Extension 1 Modern History Society & Culture Visual Arts Information Processes & Technology Studies of Religion 1 Career: Author :) no maths/science exams ever again.:rofl:
  7. fallenstar

    What do you think you're going to get in SC?

    This is what I think i'm going to get...Not what I HOPE to get :P * English - Band 6 * Science - Band 4 * History - Band 6 * Geography - Band 6 * Maths - Band 2 * Computing Skills - Band 6 I spose not too bad. Four band 6's, one band 4, and one band 2. Hate my maths band, but what...
  8. fallenstar

    Subjects you're be doing for the last time.

    NO MORE... * MATHS!! YAY!! :rofl: * SCIENCE!!:rofl: & i'm doing Society & Culture next year; wondering if that counts as a form of Geog? So i didn't vote Geog in the poll. The only subjects I'm doing from Yr 10 next year are English & History. My faves :)
  9. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Computing Studies

    Easiest. Exam.Ever! the whole state'll get a band 6!
  10. fallenstar

    General thoughts: History SC

    *For the Prime Minister & policy.. I did Whitlam & Multiculturalism.. *For the '2 Features of a Post War Decade' - I did the 1950s, my features were Communism & Influx of European Migrants *15 mark question - easy. We spent like 1 and a half terms on Vietnam this year.. So yeah, expecting...
  11. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Science SC

    For the 10 questions, I can remember i put the following (not in order): Conical Flask Convection Temperature Hypothesis Newtons Ovaries Electrons Velocity {i checked that after the exam, YES IT IS WRONG, answer is definitely acceleration} & i don't remember the other one.. I...
  12. fallenstar

    What Band?

    English - Band 6 History - Band 6 Geography - Band 6 Computers - Band 6 Science - Band 4/5 ... probably Band 4 Maths - :( Band 1/2 {no i'm not joking bout the last one!}
  13. fallenstar

    What do you think your best subject is?

    1. ENGLISH 2. History 3. Geography 4. Science 5. Maths I hate #5 so much.. {{Woot, 1st post! :) Bit late but hey.}}