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  1. T

    Who Did You Vote for?

    Get the facts right before you accuse a party of murder. Look at the FF thread. Also, the fact that you think the majority of Australians are stupid and ignorant just shows your own ignorance. These people have seen what the governments of the past have done. How old are you? 17? 18? Exactly.
  2. T

    Family First: Their policies

    Thanks for clearing that up.
  3. T

    Family First: Their policies

    Well they're obviously more in touch with the electorate than the Democrats. You cannot deny that. If you read the post correctly you would see that in no place I said that I agreed with Family Firsts policies. I also find it highly offensive that you would compare them to the Nazi's.
  4. T

    Family First: Their policies

    Can I see were this is stated?
  5. T

    Who Did You Vote for?

    Family first is to right as Greens is to left.
  6. T

    Who Did You Vote for?

    There is no point bitching about a government who hasn't even implemented any new reforms yet. They won, fair and square. The majority of Australians disagree with you all.
  7. T

    FOX NEWS ~ propaganda, communist, contradicting democracy, hypocrits

    Cherry, out of all the lefties I like you the most!
  8. T

    Who Did You Vote for?

    Come on...aren't we all over it yet? The Coalition won, fair and square...get over it.
  9. T

    These is so much to read I don't know where to start!

    Please, the OC is agreat show, but can you please ditch the shits me so badly.
  10. T

    250MB storage for Hotmail... Finally!

    I got the 250mb...I'll still use g-mail however.
  11. T

    Be Cool....Click Here

    You Should Be Studying!!!
  12. T

    ALP Education Policy [regarding funding to independant and non-independant schools]

    Is it true that the Federal Government has promised more funding to schools who fly the flag?
  13. T

    How do you tell a guy to fark off..?

    Yeah, but you woulda been told to fark off before! Sorry, couldn't hold back...I'll give you a rep to say sorry ;)
  14. T


    I think they are all trying to make up for something :rolleyes:
  15. T

    Merlin... again

    BTW, I met him in the hols. He's very passionate about it, but his points go off track of what he said. He still hasn't been naturalised.
  16. T

    Merlin... again

    Please, aren't we over this thread yet?
  17. T

    FOX NEWS ~ propaganda, communist, contradicting democracy, hypocrits

    Yes, I may be, but your a fuck wit + a total tool. Do you want to go on the "Absolute Fuck Head List"? I have a nice little place reserved just for you!
  18. T

    These is so much to read I don't know where to start!

    I agree, Michael Moore is an extremely good author an doco maker...he's funny.
  19. T

    Be Cool....Click Here

    Stop spamming, dick head.