You don't learn courtroom advocacy skills.
If you want to get more out of your law degree, do law society stuff both comps (like mooting) and the social stuff.
Umm, so do u want the bad news, or the bad news? Hrmm...nah it does pick up some.
You have to think about utilitarianism...Would u torture a baby to save the lives of a stadium full of people?
Yeah babe...our timetables are pretty bad. Hey, at least we'll have Thursday shopping/uni bar night...and Sundays. But I wanna see you all the time!
Aww, you'll hafta relive the cheezels/creaming soda one day with me.
They had a pretty big turn out last time.
Our year was smaller. The drinking games, trivia and bonfire were fun...mmm bourb-agne.
It is called 1st year law camp...the law society exec also get to go.
Law Camp was awesome! Still friends with people I met on it...and it is really a one-off (no more law camps after first year...much to everyones dissapointment). So don't hesitate!
Still calling things 'gay'. It sounds a bit...junior high. Haha, your crim law lecturers next year woulda luurv...
That's pretty full on...asking people to bring print outs. I guess it's better than being forced to cancel the lecture.
Mac Theatre holds like 495 or so.
Yeah it will be. They're always very strict with ID checks on themed nights.
I noticed in the diary they're gonna have a Beers of the World night...w00t! Can't wait!
Haha, thanx for pointing that out Kitty.
Yes it was me. I don't know why they were laughing. I mean I was pretty sure I didn't say contraception day.
Anyways not everyone was a stunned mullet in the audience. I got a few nods and yeahs in the crowd...Conception Day is infamous!
You lil...
Yeah, but that was Conception Day!
Heck, we had Gyroscope on in the arvo that day (prolly the best live rock band in Australia at the moment).
Blink 182 played at Macquarie Uni before..