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  1. abdooooo!!!

    the sketching of curves

    well by inspection the turning point of the parabola is (0, -1/4 ), because this turning point should occur at the centre of -2 > x > 2 which is on the y axis. so you just sub x = 0 and get this: (0, -1/4 ) you have to find all the key points you can without the use of calculus ie turning...
  2. abdooooo!!!

    number of units

    no i think you misunderstood me... what i mean is that unless math is your best subject and you are doing 4u math, its not a good choice to do math. because subjects like english and history is likely to be mutually beneficial ie if you're good a one you will be good at all of them. :) so...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    The OPTUS NEW plan is out!!!

    speed for what so you can finish the limit in one week... you got no speed for 3 whole weeks... not even half the speed of dialup with stupid optus :mad:
  4. abdooooo!!!

    number of units

    its just that all your courses are humanity and english... if math is your best subject why don't you do 4units? :p
  5. abdooooo!!!


    you can always delete... hahaha. fool :p edit: check your pm AGB... i asked you a question... answer it please. :)
  6. abdooooo!!!


    BNW is the best... well good anyway. orgy porgy bit was good.
  7. abdooooo!!!

    the sketching of curves

    a simple explaination for those who don't understand this asymtotes thingy. if you approach 2 or -2 in AGB's example from inside the range of -2 > x > 2 then it should therefore produce a upside down prabola because y is approaching minus infinity on both side inside the range. if you...
  8. abdooooo!!!

    the sketching of curves

    don't worry man... i think you got the right idea... there is no need to prove to us. but for them y = 1/f(x) graphs you just remember the general shape ie a parabola in the middle and two hyperbola shape at the side. and find the asymptotes thats it. why do you need to test anything...
  9. abdooooo!!!

    number of units

    yeah drop math quick and pick up ancient history now... its the most logical choice for maximising the uai. :)
  10. abdooooo!!!

    the sketching of curves

    ahaha... delete it quick... no one except me has read it yet. i just remember the shape and find the vert and horizontal asymptotes, and turning point(s) if there is any. but have you guys notice how the new hsc curve sketching question is a bit weird... like easy. they just tell you to...
  11. abdooooo!!!

    Neo Geo?

    oops... played too much SvC. LOL
  12. abdooooo!!!

    The OPTUS NEW plan is out!!!

    why would you need cable for 1gig? i easily download more than that in a month with norm dialup.
  13. abdooooo!!!


    just like hsc chem brain ;) yeah i loved that movie... so much better than terminator :p
  14. abdooooo!!!


    what? you haven't picked that up... there is signs everywhere indicating that... the unicorn thing in his memory and how gath dude made the silver unicorn in the end. and when gath dude said you did a "man's" job in the end... ;)
  15. abdooooo!!!


    blade runner is cool... is deckard really a replicant?
  16. abdooooo!!!

    4U Cambridge solutions

    not this again... TRASH THEM!!! :p edit: you deleting p0st is really annoying me... why are you so scared of others ie teachers or sami reading it? :p
  17. abdooooo!!!

    complex number problem

    no... didn't you read my post people... he wants to top 2u now. because he can do 4u next year or whatever so he can top it later... ahahah. :p edit: sorry AGB. :)
  18. abdooooo!!!

    complex number problem

    who doesn't know that... im talking about state topping here. ;) all im saying is that you are unlikely to top 3u if 4u student is allowed to top it. but then again if that applies to 2u then... hahaha... you are nearly there.... top of the state of mathematics. :p a weird genius who...
  19. abdooooo!!!

    complex number problem

    im still not convinced if that is true. my understanding is that the student who did 2/3u that got the heighest mark will automatically top 3u even though 3/4u students got a higher mark. but buchanan said the girl from his school who topped 3u also sat for the 4u exam... umm... i wonder why she...
  20. abdooooo!!!

    "copy cat"

    my god. what kind of school you people go to, our teacher don't even care, i just talk the whole lesson most of the time without my books even present on the desk.