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  1. MoNNiE


    haha...true kimmeh. it would feel a tad strange.. gosh really.. who were the organisers of this?!!
  2. MoNNiE


    oh fat cat!! haha i so loved that show!! my av is actually a gumbi chick.. even though it may look rather evil looking-- staring straight at you lol
  3. MoNNiE

    -The SoaPie's ThreaD-

    haha..have you been watching home and away?? do you think jade will actually piss off one day..and move out???
  4. MoNNiE

    2004 UTS Diary

    pink?! wow i do like the diary they gave us... though.. i'd still prefer to use my own...leather back
  5. MoNNiE

    My Sassy Girl

    i like that movie!! -- i mean love letter :P
  6. MoNNiE

    Which Uni's in sydney would you consider part of the elite?

    my sister did marketing at uws.. back then.. i would have to agree that the marking at uws was much harder compared to the marking criterias at unsw or usyd... anyway ways i think the snobboroos of aus is usyd.. unsw -- they have too many international students -- anu is highly...
  7. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    haha err yeah ithink i've realised that.. VB -- so typically aussie i sware
  8. MoNNiE

    -The SoaPie's ThreaD-

    marlayna -- that dragged on for so long!
  9. MoNNiE


    Hey just curious... what camp are you attending for the o-camp planned just before uni starts i'm attending the 2nd one..but i want to attend the first one...i dunno why..! whatexactly would we be doing there?
  10. MoNNiE

    -The SoaPie's ThreaD-

    haha yeah...i'm sorta addicted to it too... but i like home-and-away better! lol jade.. is so up her self! i hate her!!
  11. MoNNiE

    -The SoaPie's ThreaD-

    yes that's right! the name says it all! the soapies thread -- spam in here of all your fav -- or not so fav characters from the young and the restless, the days of our lives... and yes of course.... THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL... plus any others.. which i carelessly left out.. -----...
  12. MoNNiE

    The Bachelor

    bob the mALe slut or sh*t?~ hha.. yeah.. i thought there was more of a connection between kelly jo.. Estella... err... she's OK I GUESS
  13. MoNNiE

    Whos going to UNSW, that lives in west sydney.

    concession id's this year are printed on your student card... well that's the case with my one.. and i go to uts..... (but i'm so planning to transfer to unsw....well maybe!)
  14. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    mining i thought was my 2nd pref.. but apparently it was my 4th. i'm kicking myself over that now.. mining would be heaps good though.. the diversity of different studies of engineering -- don't mind me.. i studied eng in high school and i deeply loved it i only found out about mining during...
  15. MoNNiE

    Engineering Courses

    yeah i heard something like that too from someone.. but yeah.. i think that looks to be the case
  16. MoNNiE

    The Bachelor

    to show guys can't pick a suitable women to settle down with?!! look at trista! the only bachelorette.. so far... happily married to ryan :P well there is another bacherette comming out for 'bobs' reject.. i frogot her name.. apparently the relationship was too intense... oh i'm going...
  17. MoNNiE


    woah! that's abit far! cook..! i remember cooking on a bbq.. i didn't know how to turn the bbq griller on.. when i finally figured it all out.. i almost burnt my hair off!
  18. MoNNiE

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    haha trolls.. i didn't even know that twins were playing that part.. but yeah.. they've grown up... filthy rich aswell...
  19. MoNNiE

    how to access UTSonline?

    that is happening to me also guesswho i can acess everything else such as uts e-mail etc.. but not the actual utsonline area.. i guess for new students that have recently enrollled.. it won't be operating for a few more days -- processing of student data..
  20. MoNNiE

    David Jones

    david jones is soo much better then grace bros. 1. it's more sophisticated -- aims for the higher classes 2. they focus on customer service more then having stocktake sales every 2 weeks (abit of an exaggeration) 3. they have a 'better' reputation -- employees of david jones -- seem to know...