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  1. MoNNiE

    Which Uni's in sydney would you consider part of the elite?

    freaky out...apparently they do help you in finding a job... aka "internship'.. i've sorta already got mine sorted.. even though i have ages to go..but lets see what happens in the future
  2. MoNNiE

    Which Uni's in sydney would you consider part of the elite?

    cools cool.. though my sister was abit of a pain in the butt... she kept partying during uni..we still have a whole bunch of her crap... but it's so disorganised.. i dunno how she survived
  3. MoNNiE

    Finding Nemo! :D

    lol dori dora.. - i forgot... doesn't matter!
  4. MoNNiE

    lol what does this mean?

    lol.. i think if you recieved your australian citizenship at the age of 5 you wouldn't need to do the you wouldnt know how to read yet.. besides.. at such a young age i don't think they would make you.. and also you recieve the certificate at the pledge ceromony...soooo all in...
  5. MoNNiE

    2004 UTS Diary

    cheap skate!
  6. MoNNiE


    i think there is a need to change the front page logo then.. it looks a tad funny having a 2003 still on whilst everyother page has nsw... etc etc... how about....create set colour schemes..just give some variety?! -- set it random or something.. i dunno!
  7. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    hehe i get ya :) well i would say.. if guys want to have a class full of chicks .. then they should of done child care!
  8. MoNNiE

    2004 UTS Diary

    actually it's over the whole entire week... but the day which people say to go to is the 25th
  9. MoNNiE

    Finding Nemo! :D

    mambomeg is correct on that... hey i have to ask... what kindo f fish is dora?!!
  10. MoNNiE

    -The SoaPie's ThreaD-

    it use to be.. but now.. hothouse has taken seinfield's place... i'm happy!
  11. MoNNiE

    B Engineering (General)

    nobody responding 2 u ic! subject wise you'll, most likely do the same subjects except for one towards everyone else such as you will do physics modelling maths modelling engineering towards sustainablity and then the 4th i wouldn't know what you will be doing.... that was for the...
  12. MoNNiE


    ahhh ic ic g's this sucks. nobody is going to camp 2!
  13. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    LOL! they are that rare! i'm not trying to make you look desperate am i?!
  14. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    wait your going to unsw doing civil ay?! my friend is doing that.. and is a chick :P
  15. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    hehe! nah i can find my way around pretty easily.. just walk around the campus 2 times.. :P erollment day was the first time i went to uts.. i was kinda freaking out cus i couldn't find the peter johnson building! unsw is the easiest uni to navigate through! on the female and male...
  16. MoNNiE

    Electrical Engineering, anyone else from this site joining me?

    it is actually.. because you are able to tailor your degree to what you to be! like people who take up general engineering are able to sample the different fields available..and thus will find the course which they like through it, as he/she may not be very certain of what kind of...
  17. MoNNiE


    lol didn't you get a sheet about the camp when you were enrolling? such as! when they made you pay 80 bucks for some strange reason! -- it's on the recipt!
  18. MoNNiE

    usyd engineering camp: u going?

    of course there are girls doing engineering it's just there are more guys doing the subject than girls.. because.. .as they say it's a guys subject
  19. MoNNiE

    usyd engineering camp: u going?

    i think it is more like.. "limited alcohol will be aviable for purchasing" they wouldn't provide it! besides isn't usyd abit stingy with stuff..? look at your id cards! not that i'm trying to be a meanie
  20. MoNNiE

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    haha! chicks at UNSW are up themselves?! then what do you make of chicks going to usyd and uts then! nah.. there is a higher percentaile of girls in engineering..but it just depends what degree it is...