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  1. GoodToGo

    evening lectures?

    same shit, different time, older mob.
  2. GoodToGo


    I have no idea what psych cut-offs were this year but say you just scraped into a normal BA...then your admission rank would be CAN'T do psych subjects. But the BA and BA-Psych cutoffs were probably close so it wouldn't matter to most people.
  3. GoodToGo

    a BIG BIG thank you to...

    Pfft, hey i helped a shitload too...especially with law and social stuff! LOL...flyin and majesty are pretty damn helpful I gotta agree!
  4. GoodToGo

    how much are books anyway?

    LOL. How frugal. :) It'll be annoying cos sometimes you find out at different times what books you need.
  5. GoodToGo

    lectures, pracs and tutorials

    U meet most new people in practicals I reckon, followed by tutorials and then lectures last. U get time in some lectures (like accounting for instance where u fill the gaps in your notes...bloody stupid) but in say law you'll be writing like the clapper if you want good notes, and then end up...
  6. GoodToGo

    Law @ Macq

    Asquithian, that's an old macq subject list. Missing: securities law, law and religion, plus others. Plus it's missing the law subects taught by the public law deapartment. Their stuff might not be on all the lists cos of their beef with the law department, but they teach a number of subjects...
  7. GoodToGo

    the bar?!

    Hey let's not forget the arts/creative arts students there...
  8. GoodToGo


    I thought about doing that with the anthropology unit "drugs across cultures" - but never got around to it.
  9. GoodToGo

    O camp and O week

    Yeah, O-week is fun...but newbies are expecting something awesome. Don't...or you'll be sorely dissappointed.
  10. GoodToGo

    subject i really wanna take up :(

    Economics is pretty boring to me. If I had electives I would rather do easier stuff, where assessment is via essays. And where u get extensions simply by talking to the tutor and saying you've been really busy. Like subjects in Humanities or SCMP.
  11. GoodToGo

    psych/law, lockers?

    As for electives, just look at what first year units u meet the pre-requisties for. A lot of them will have NO pre-reqs. Especially with the psych/law electives in 2nd year, only psych options in 3rd year. So this is the chance to get a broad taste of subjects. You'll have 1...
  12. GoodToGo

    psych/law, lockers?

    Yeah the first year psych text book would be a bitch to carry to uni (I remember when I bought mine). But yeah with law you'll hafta carry around your casebook from second semester. The lovely torts one...and it's pretty chunky. But probably not worth a locker. There are lockers available...
  13. GoodToGo

    how much are books anyway?

    Too much. Arts subjects with no textbooks are good. Just a reader which is like $35 tops. But then again, you'll be doing a shitload of photocopying.
  14. GoodToGo

    how hard are the stat subjects?

    Probably not. STAT170 is fairly easy as long as u do all the assessment taks. You should be alright. Nice avatar hectic. Go u gooners!
  15. GoodToGo

    Macquarie Mulah

    How very anti-social *cough*nerdy*cough* of you! :)
  16. GoodToGo

    the bar?!

    As for soccer news flyin' GO the Gunners! Arsenal on top! WOO HOO
  17. GoodToGo

    the bar?!

    Nah I wouldn't consider it too pricey Majesty...bout the same at most other unis. Apparently in WA cos of VSU they pay like nearly double. $3 schooners aren't bad. Happy hour gets u $2 drinks or cheaper. The music played by Friday night DJ's is horrid (commercial rnb and gangsta rap) But...
  18. GoodToGo


    Nah. It's true u might not have as good a choice with tutorial preferences, but it'll all work out. Often they just say turn up at the first tutorial at the time u want and they let u stay if it doesn't get too packed. I think I did this for at least a third of my subjects.
  19. GoodToGo

    Macquarie Mulah

    Oh the pretzels were awesome! I got like 2 or 3...and some of them even had dipping sauce. Mmm....good times.
  20. GoodToGo

    Official Macquarie Uni 2004 Student List

    BBA LLB Summer School (Currently) - ACCG200 Sem 1 BBA301 - Strategic Management 1 LAW309 - Constitutional LAW309 - Property Sem 2 BBA311 - Strategic Management 2 LAW309 - Constitutional LAW310 - Property And I might throw in the 2 credit pt Beginners French in there somewhere.