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  1. GoodToGo

    social life at maq?

    Depends where you're coming from. But Epping Station buses are the most frequent.
  2. GoodToGo


    Nice work muli, you're already like 3 steps ahead of the other incoming students from what u have done already i.e. actually buying the undergrad handbook in advance. Personally I think 1 hour gaps between lectures and tutorials are the best. It gives you just enough time to have something to...
  3. GoodToGo

    Law @ Macq

    External transfers are the same no matter where u are really. It's all up to UAC.
  4. GoodToGo

    clothing at univeristy

    Hehe, well I guess you should go for it then! :)
  5. GoodToGo

    Uni Boys

    GO the anti fasionists! Man, what a metrosexual! hahaha. And remember folks, it's not the clothes that make the man, but the man that makes the clothes. I.e. if you're an ugly prick with a boring and annoying personality it won't matter what threads you wear - you'll still be getting no...
  6. GoodToGo

    clothing at univeristy

    It is, isn't it! They're sorta of cute in a really pathetic way. LOL. Anyway kiddies, let me just reassure you again: no one gives a flying fuck what you wear...(excluding the obvious exceptions mentioned like odour and the same shirt everyday). I don't think I've ever been as non...
  7. GoodToGo

    can i do this?

    Yeah, technically you can get away with it. In the same way you can get into early childhood if u missed the cutoff for arts and just do arts subjects. But first year Psych is awesome, and u have plenty of other arts electives, so I'd say you should give it a try.
  8. GoodToGo

    Anyone in Macquarie doing a traineeship

    A lot of people do that. Just make sure you keep up EVERY single week. And get time off work for plenty of study time come final exams. It's all about how u do in the final for accounting.
  9. GoodToGo


    Nah, you're still in the club. Just means you're not going to the meetings. You'll still get the emails and stuff I guess. It depends on the club really. I don't know, I've never really been involved in a great deal of clubs (except the Law society)...though I remember signing up for tons. A...
  10. GoodToGo

    girl to boy ratios

    Yep. Psych - heaps of girls Media - Yikes. Pretty much chicks Education - Woo hoo
  11. GoodToGo

    clothing at univeristy

    Yep no one cares. It's the people yet to start who are making a bit fuss over nothing on the other threads. As long as you don't wear EXACTLY the same thing every time, u can't go wrong. Tho that would be hilarious, like the Seinfeld episode where that chick had about a dozen of exactly the same...
  12. GoodToGo

    Uni Boys

    Man everyone's a frickin fashion nazis. Seriously who gives fuk? You'd think it was a fashion show, not uni. Uni is a good place to wear whatever and get away with it. Just be yourself. Maybe it's cos I got to mac and we're more relaxed and we bypass the city...but still, it's all good...
  13. GoodToGo

    uni girls

    Umm you try not to carry textbooks to uni unless they specifically ask u to bring em. Just extra weight to lug around. You shouldn't need em for lectures.
  14. GoodToGo


    Then u can't go. And ofcourse it would be on a day you have classes. As if you could be arsed coming to uni to just attend some crappy club meeting.
  15. GoodToGo

    Uni Boys

    Dude, you're doing actuarial. Doesn't that kinda rule out getting digits FULL STOP?! Hah, only kidding man.
  16. GoodToGo

    Essentials for uni

    Same at Macq. First I will take an ugly photo of you for your student ID card (and get paid VERY well to do so). By the way you will hafta keep this card unless you wanna pay for a new one. After that, you will pick up your lil diary. Muhahhah. No, I'm not kidding, cept maybe the ugly photo...
  17. GoodToGo

    uni girls

    Hahahaha..............umm...............please don't.
  18. GoodToGo

    BEc LLB is now back

    Yep, like the subject of this thread says: Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Laws has just been readded. So anyone who was looking to transfer into it and didn't want the title Commerce(Econ) LLB, this is good news I guess.
  19. GoodToGo

    can i do this?

    Umm not sure. I'm sure you can get away with not having the psych subjects in your timetable. But you might as well. There's only three core units for psych in first year (2 psych, 1 stats).You might find out you love it. I found 3/4 of first year psych to be AWESOME, the other 1/4 was a bit...
  20. GoodToGo

    empty advisory day!

    Haha, TRUST me. Macq is nothing like high school! You'll see in first week...bit different without all the students at the moment. Ahh I can't wait. So much uni-bludging to be done! But yeah, some of the buildings are ugly. But then again, the uni WAS built late 60's, early 70's with most of...