Search results

  1. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    No. Well, maybe at first, but then time kept moving, and then BAM you wake up and its the day, but nothing happens.
  2. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    Happy MQ BoS Meetup guys and gals! Too bad it never eventuated *shed a tear*
  3. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    James, you're so great at integrating psych knowledge into everyday situations! I'm in awe!
  4. MaryJane

    gf has mood swings seemingly every fortnight

    She'll want you to say something about it, and perhaps you should to show you care. BUT you'll be giving into her, and it will start the vicious cycle again. Maybe dont mention it until she's in a good mood, and you're alone somewhere. Us women are strange creatures, dont even attempt to...
  5. MaryJane

    gf has mood swings seemingly every fortnight

    Meh, all girls go through this silent thing. I do it, and it drives my boy insane I know. But I can no longer do it over the phone, its always in person (as we live together) which takes away the mystery. Basically, she could have an issue, but it might not necessarily be because of you. She...
  6. MaryJane


    ..Its French? I dont know, just kinda assumed because they seemed similar.
  7. MaryJane


    I think you're talking about Love me if you Dare, which I am still to see. I enjoyed Amelie, and I've seen it a few times, but I think you need a decent break between viewings.
  8. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    Ah, gotta love perception and cognition knowledge! ;) Agree on both accounts, esp. cell phones. They just shit me. On the front page of the herald yesterday they had a study which found that both hand-held and hands-free cell phone use in a car makes you 4x more likely to have an accident...
  9. MaryJane

    Results soon!

    I had a dream a few days after the contract exam that I screwed it up. I went into the exam with no notes, and so I was making them up and oh, it was so terrible! I want my marks back so I can see whether I can justify having a nice holiday...
  10. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    Bah, I know! Under the old system, we could be on our full license now, and drink copious amounts of alcohol (well, maybe not copious...)!
  11. MaryJane

    A little bit of help? (research)

    Go to our uni, or other uni's, or the state library. All the databases are easy to use. If you look up their websites before you go along to look, search their database on the net. For MQ its and for the rest, just google it.
  12. MaryJane

    Why didn't your last relationship work?

    I've never seen the appeal in older men until recently, and even then its much, much older men who are regarded with esteem for their intelligence rather than their looks. I've always gone for the younger boys: they're easier to manipulate ;)
  13. MaryJane

    Why didn't your last relationship work?

    That sailor looks like Bree from Desperate Housewives. My last relationship didnt work because; a. I was bored b. I never saw him c. I fell in love with someone more caring and beautiful. It was all for the best in my opinion. I've never been happier or more content.
  14. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    A girl who I used to work with plays there all the time with her band in the "battle of the bands" or whatever its referred to as. The only problem I find is the lack of public transport, and the inability for a green P-plater to drink and drive (tis not good kiddies!)
  15. MaryJane

    Semester 2 (2005) Textbooks...

    Meh, I think its what you make of it. I hate science and anything mathsy based, but love all social psych etc, which I would classify as humanities. But I can def. see the science part of psych (eg. cognition, perception and who can forget stat... :mad: )
  16. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    Oh yeah, they are the shittiest of shit holes, but I do like the 3wise. I've always wanted to go to Bungalow 8.. I've seen the Arthouse, looks pretty snazzy (which means more than likely expensive). How much are tix? Little Birdy is cool, but JJJ overplay.
  17. MaryJane

    Stay-up Stockings wont stay up!

    Hmmm... I'll try that! I own some voodoo ones which I've only worn once because it has a weird pattern. The ones that never fail to fail are Kylie ones which surprised me. I've returned two packets to Myer, but feel bad constantly going back: I had thesame sales assistant both times!
  18. MaryJane

    What Makes You Feel "Dressed"?

    The whole bra thing is a bit odd in my opinion... Its so uncomfortable! I cant stand falling asleep and waking up with a bra still on. I feel dressed when I have lipgloss on, and have used my compact (which is pretty much empty)... its a safety thing, like I feel like I've at least attempted...
  19. MaryJane

    Stay-up Stockings wont stay up!

    I'm more concerned about the daggers other females throw at me with their eyes. You can see them thinking "young slut". Plus, am not really interested in attracting other guys seeing I have my one :)
  20. MaryJane

    Stay-up Stockings wont stay up!

    My stockings (the lace ended kind) refuse to stay up. They'll be fine the first time I wear them, but they will loosen themselves from my thigh no matter how I stick them there! So I wear suspenders which is fine and comfortable, but I have issues when I want to wear a bit more of a fitted...