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  1. MaryJane

    what to do

    Sex. ... Macquarie Centre. ... Play with the ducks. Thats about it. How sad.
  2. MaryJane

    The Ex.

    I dont see my ex, ever. I only see him in passing at te shops, but we dont stop and chat. I was happy being friends with him, but he made it extremely hard for me to be around him. He used to put me down and call me a bitch because we broke up, and how unfair it was that I left him for someone...
  3. MaryJane

    time left

    I'm here till 2009, so another 3.5 years... bugger. I better get a good job at the end of this hell. I guess the law part is worth the extra 2 years. Well, I hope.
  4. MaryJane

    High Maintenance People Suck

    Yes. Yes we can. With great pleasure!
  5. MaryJane

    Is sex better when there is the risk of being caught or in private?

    I think both are nice. Private is great for romatic, slow real "lovemaking" where you take your time and have lots of foreplay and its just, well, perfect! :) But then being outside and having the risk (well, any type of risk) is exciting and gets me going really quickly. Its even better when...
  6. MaryJane

    High Maintenance People Suck

    You just described my ex. I cant stand them. Probably why I dont see him anymore: I couldnt stand going through the same shit over and over again "Why havent you called?" or, if I have, he's in a shit mood and its "What do you expect- You dont call often enough". Even worse, bringing up our...
  7. MaryJane

    Sydney Law Careers Fair

    lol Frigid, it looks like you started off sober, then got progressively drunk, and then sobered up again!
  8. MaryJane

    Sydney Law Careers Fair

    I went... got enough pens and notebooks to last me the rest of my degree! I cant wait to do a clerkship, unfortunately I'm only in 2nd year, so I have a while to wait. Everyone seemed really nice; the lady at the young lawyers stand talked my ear off though! Clayton people were nice, as were...
  9. MaryJane

    Does he want to know u'r past?

    Wow! Thats pretty insensitive! Might have been a sign she wasnt over him yet? Thats so rude!!
  10. MaryJane

    Does he want to know u'r past?

    We know quite a bit about each others past through being really close friend before we got together. I agree with Bubs that its important to know about sexual history, especially as to whether protection was used or not, because if that rears its ugly head, its not good. You realise just how...
  11. MaryJane

    Law and Order

    I used to hate them, and then Skittled shoved them down my throat. I actually dont mind them, but have to agree with Argonaut about Gorem, he shits me. I cant stand the way he talks around suspects, all retarded and stuttery and then he starts screaming at them: its seriously always the same...
  12. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Im just about to hand it in 16 bloody words over the wordlimit (including the 10%). I just cant get rid of those 16 words to get it down to 2200... Grrr.. but its nearly finished thank god! I'm off to have a nice, relaxing, rewarding afternoon! :D
  13. MaryJane

    swimming pool

    Ok, ok... Can I ask you a question? Do you think you were born gay, or your sexuality developed? (and if it developed, did you have a bad experience with a girl?) you dont have to answer, I've always been curious to know.
  14. MaryJane

    swimming pool

    So you dont have that adorable gay accent when you talk? Awww, thats a shame, its so cute! ...Steve said you do a bit.
  15. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Agreed with both of you. I've done it all, but now I'm editing it. I was re-reading it, and then realised that I wasnt answering the question v. well. I hate this question. Its like she threw it together the night before when she remembered that she had to give us an assignment. I have to do...
  16. MaryJane

    swimming pool

    Or so you think...
  17. MaryJane

    Longest Relationships

    My longest was 2.5 years, however, my current relationship will outlast it (we're been together a year this month) because I'm so much happier- I want to grow old and have bubbies with my gorgeous boy because I love him oh-so much! :D
  18. MaryJane

    PSy237 Results are out!!

    Thats referred to as Weiner's Attributional Theory :)
  19. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Lol, thats right, hide the evidence! My figuring is that I'll only try and get decent marks (over a Cr) once I start to pick the subjects that I want to do, and practise in (eg. family law.. I want a HD!) So I can say to my employer "well, yeah I did crap in juris, and ethics, but this is...
  20. MaryJane

    When do you feel ... like Giving ... 'jobs??

    My god... Grow up people! (I suppose some of them have an excuse, being 12 and all :rolleyes: )