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  1. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Now I know why juris is a prereq for second year law: so we know how to read all the bullshit philosophical crap, and base arguments on theories established 10,00000000 years ago, that is criminal law.
  2. MaryJane

    Holiday is finally over

    I called mine Shame, Pride and Guilt: The Interplay of Self and Social Aspirations in the Development and Elicitation of Self-Conscious Emotions.. pretty crappy, huh? I just tried to sound smart in the title to make up fo the essay ;) And dont worry, there will be more beautiful juris essays...
  3. MaryJane

    My sad story

    It sounds exactly like that forward, but with a different country, and he's altered it to be more Australian-friendly(ie. substituting college with uni).
  4. MaryJane

    PSy237 Results are out!!

    I got a P too... Skittled got a HD, congrats James!! :D Wow, there must have been something in the water for the boys... Maybe us girls will gain some benefit in the final exam! :)
  5. MaryJane

    PSy237 Results are out!!

    How'd you go? I'm too scared to look.. praying for a P...
  6. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Nope. I just covered the basics, you cant really do much more with a wordcount that includes footnotes! Grrr... I'm off to hand it in now.
  7. MaryJane

    Holiday is finally over

    Ah, thanks for that James! I was wondering about it while I was writing the essay, but forgot to ask! What did you call yours? It took me forever to title mine, and even now I think its crap. I just assume that there is a 10% leeway for assignments, even if there isnt. Because as long as they...
  8. MaryJane

    swimming pool

    He's gay honey.
  9. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Thats interesting. I emailed Susan aaaages ago asking about the LPSM headings, and she said it was fine to use them. I thought I would need them, but it all flowed. If you go back and re-read your tort assignment it helps. I wrote the essay out like this: Listed the issues regarding the...
  10. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    It doesnt matter whether the money was paid or not. The principles state that the prac benefit rule comes in, and acts as an exception, if the parties were in a contract regarding goods or services, and that it would be better for "b" (ie felicity and D&G) to accept that there was consideration...
  11. MaryJane

    contracts assignment

    Oh wow, there are other law people here!? How exciting! I did the assigment in 2 days. I thought it was pretty straight forward. It all hinges on the practical benefit rule as in Musumeci. Felicity cant get her money back. There are heaps of alternative arguments, but because of the close...
  12. MaryJane

    Wedding Song.

    We were talking about this today. The Scientist (Coldplay) because its our song, or, if I could get it cut right, I'd walk down the isle to Porcelain by Moby. There are lots of nice, sweet songs, but they have to mean something to me in order for it to be extra special to make it to my...
  13. MaryJane

    Holiday is finally over

    Agreed. See you Tuesday when our fate regarding cognition and perception is sealed... :( (I had a dream about it last night and I got a HD- wishful thinking or what!):D
  14. MaryJane

    Holiday is finally over

    I was about to say, I didnt read those last few posts. I'm utterly disturbed. Really, I am. I do law, I'll get an interim order out on your ass.
  15. MaryJane

    Holiday is finally over

    Holiday? Ha! Every day I was working on a stupid assessment: If it wasnt contracts, it was social psych, or criminal. I finally finished contracts and psych last tuesday, and have been working on criminal ever since, due on thursday. The only break I got was camping this weekend with...
  16. MaryJane

    swimming pool

    I doubt it! Imagine; alcohol + uni students + water= lawyers dream, MQ's liability nightmare! It'd be pretty funny, though! :uhhuh:
  17. MaryJane

    BUSL250 take home exam

    13 students got 0! I cant believe that, why even be at uni if you're not going to do the work? My darling Skittled did fantastically (I'm gushing for him because he's too modest!).
  18. MaryJane

    swimming pool

    Thats right! But instead of the crappy inclined ones, you get crappy fold out ones, just like the HSC! :D I doubt I'll use the pool... I hate public pools. You'll probably have to pay to use it, or be a member of the gym: nothing comes for free anymore :(
  19. MaryJane

    going out with childhood friends?

    Hmm.. its interesting all the "girls dont go out with friends" replies, because I have only ever gone out with friends, and good friends at that. Its much more intimate I find.. plus, I've never been drawn to the whole 'player' appeal of picking up. I'd much rather get to know a person properly...
  20. MaryJane

    going out with childhood friends?

    No I havent, but whats the big deal? They are no different to any other friend. As long as you're happy, its all good! :)