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  1. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Find it and I'll answer it. Actually, you did say it. This thread, post 49, second sentence under (2).
  2. T

    Merlin... again

    Fine. No they can't understand. Everything that happens in this society is the evil workings of Howard and his cronnies in the Federal Police Force.
  3. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    I know what you mean...I dont want Amanda Vanstone running the country. I think we need a change of government. I dont want to see the flag changed. Instead of the Queen as "Head Of State," I think we should just have a president who does the same as the G-G.
  4. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    If it is a women it will show that Australia has changed. This is only after we become a republic by the way. New country, different leader.
  5. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    I think we need a female Governor-General. Maybe the first President of Australia will be a woman. Unlikely, I'm gonna be the first president of Australia and run all you Labor, union and greeny freaks into the ground.
  6. T

    Merlin... again

    No they can't understand. Everything that happens in this society is the evil workings of Howard and his cronnies in the NSW Police Force.
  7. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    lol...dont think so. WTF is a pubic wig. I dont think I want to know actually.
  8. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    So he's a wig? Maybe he needs one, but he isnt one.
  9. T

    Leader material

    Why? What ya doin?
  10. T

    Merlin... again

    I trust the justice system. However, like everything, there are glitches and mistakes can be made. I still believe in most cases it is right.
  11. T

    Merlin... again

    Well I just did.
  12. T

    Merlin... again

    People in prison do deserve what they get. Yes, I'm sure there are people in prison that are innocent. However, this is impossible to avoid. If the death penalty was imposed, I would want a period in which the convicted had to wait, say 5-10 years, so the the crime could be investigated by...
  13. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Besides, he cant run. He's not a citizen. Hahahahaha
  14. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Then I guess your not the man (or woman) I thought.
  15. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    I thought you'd be voting greens homo.
  16. T

    Merlin... again

    Did I say his penalty was worthy of his crime? No. Death should be only a punishment for the most nefarious of criminals. BUT. It was TJ Hickeys fault that he died. What if they carch the wrong person? You just have to have faith in the Justice System.
  17. T

    Merlin... again

    Yeah, it is there own fault if they are in prison. They commited the crime and they should pay that penalty. Why do I believe in the death penalty? If someone is going to commit a horrific crime like murder or rape, they dont deserve to enjoy their life.
  18. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    Who cares. OK-I cant vote, neither can you!!!
  19. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Well i dont get today tonight but I know what you mean.
  20. T

    Merlin... again

    Geez your a tool, who in the heel said that? Yes, I believe in the death penalty, but not for a petty crime. I said that it was his own fault that he died. He should of surrendered himself to the police, then maybe the whole riot would never of happened. Also, who said I didn't like aboriginals...