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  1. T

    I lie therefore I am?....

    Well he's a better option than an alcoholic and gambler. Imagine if he went to the US! When he first see's G. W. he'll probably chase him down and tackle him.
  2. T

    Merlin... again

    I third that. TJ Hickey was breaking the law. It was his own fault.
  3. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Kullazi: I also have a friend from Iraq. He's a doctor. He and his family had to escape the persecution of Saddam so fled (legally) to Australia. He's told me about the parades in which the weapons where marched down the streets and out to the country side. Where they were hidden. In caves and...
  4. T

    Army and the Reserves.

    Hey, Is anyone looking at joining the Army after they leave? If so tell me what your gonna do please. I really wanted to drop maths but I cant if I wanna join-bummer. Also, if anyone is in the reserves can you tell me what its like please. I really wanna join!!!
  5. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    How doesn't it have any weight? Yes, it was the main reason they went to war, but, dont you agree that it makes the reason they went to war a little more justifiable? Also, the UN General Assembly didn't oppose the war. It was France who vitoed it. Do you know why? Because France had billion...
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    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Why wouldn't they? Sure, there gonna take some for themselves, but they'll see more under a US administration than under Saddams dictatorship in which he took everything and bought total crap like gold AK-47's.
  7. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Astro: WTF?!? Leetom: Actually, the UN weapons inspectors found a cache of scud missles during there search for WMD, which were detroyed by the UN weapons inspectors-THIS IS FACT. Do you think Saddam would spend millions of dollars a year on WMD, to not have any? I think this is a pretty...
  8. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    And know that the US has freed Iraq from its dictatorship they are a step closer to that free government elected by the people. If still under Saddam they would never of seen that free Iraq, or the money that came with their oil.
  9. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Homo: Torure would of gone down. EVERY PERSON COUNTS. Under Saddam, most people lived in fear of being tortured on a daily basis by Saddam and his cronnies...but they don't count. Leetom: How many times do I have to say this? SADDAM DID HAVE WMD!!! How? Firstly the USA gave them too them when...
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    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    BTW, sorry for posting twice.
  11. T

    Modern History - Arab Israeli conflict

    I hate you so, so much. The main reason I elected to do Modern History was so I could do the Arab/Israel conflict, only to find, they dont do it via DE. AARRRGGGHHH!!!!
  12. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    I saw Farenheit 9/11 as well. I'm not anti-america, more anti-bush administration and anti-republican party. Bush is a liar and rigged an election! However, I still believe that the Coalition acted in our and the Iraqians best interests when they "Invaded" (Liberated) Iraq. Its a fact that Iraq...
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    Merlin... again

    How do I know I'm wrong? I know I'm right, but I'm just giving up so you girls dont bitch any longer.
  14. T

    Merlin... again

    I haven't admitted I'm wrong and to this day I still believe I'm right. I'm just agreeing with you so you can stop having your cry. Let me get this pass your thick head. YOUR WRONG AND STUPID.
  15. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Yes, France was opposed to Germany from 1939 to 1940, which is when they where invaded and which is when they signed numerous non-agression pacts. If you dont know, a non-agression pact is a treaty --- BETWEEN ALLIES. Am I stupid? No Are you retarded? Yes and dont know what your talking...
  16. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    I know this, I do MH as well. Who was in-charge of France though? Mr. de Gaulle of the Vichy Government? I think you'll find it was the Vichy government. And I'm stupid am I? You dont even know me you dick head. FRANCE was on the side of the Germans. You just have to read some simple History...
  17. T

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Its a fact that Iraq did have WMD. Do you wanna know why? Its because the Yanks gave them the WMD. And dont say they used against Iran. The Iraqis had multi-million dollar weapons programs. Ok-they didn't have UN backing. Who cares! I think that the UN is one of the biggest fraud networks in...