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  1. MaryJane

    ure first gf/bf at uni?

    I became friends with my now s/o at uni this year in stat... oh, how romantic! ;) we were friends for about a month before we slept together (I had a b/f at the time... but it wasnt a happy relationship), but all that time we had such a connection, and we became best friends automatically...
  2. MaryJane

    elective wars: stat175 vs phil137

    I'd pick phil137 because I really like problem solving .. and I hate any form of maths
  3. MaryJane

    HSC Legal studies and Law

    You dont need to have done legal studies, but when i did first year subjects last year, there was no intro law topic like there are this year. and truthfully, it came in handy in regards to latin terms (eg. mala prohibita), but again, these are easily learnt and will most probably be explained...
  4. MaryJane


    Hey Yep, I did SOC180 (pop culture) in second semester, and it was great! V. interesting, the workloads extremely doable (the readers long, and some are v. boring eg:semiotics, but most are interesting and well written), but as I've said before somewhere on this forum, Sociology is extremely...
  5. MaryJane

    The "how much do books for (insert unit) cost?" thread

    i was going to do mooting, but didnt because i havent ever been much of a public speaker. and i know what you're going to say: "all the more reason to moot", but its not that easy! have a majority of people mooted by the third year? i suppose i should join; are there many first timers in 2nd...
  6. MaryJane

    The "how much do books for (insert unit) cost?" thread

    ok, well they've changed the course, just like MQ have, because I have a friend who is now in 2nd year law from UNSW, and he's done juris; we used to discuss it. and gtg, its an expensive book, but v. well written, and it doesnt seem to be updated v. frequently, thus poor broke souls like...
  7. MaryJane

    The "how much do books for (insert unit) cost?" thread

    I know UNSW does it this way and I'm pretty sure Sydney does too... it is a bit abstract and dry at first, but then you move onto interesting debates regarding abortion, AI, surrogacy etc. and its fantastic! the reason they do it in first year is for two reasons; 1. to weed out the poor...
  8. MaryJane

    The "how much do books for (insert unit) cost?" thread

    np. pm me if they end up being the same :)
  9. MaryJane

    The "how much do books for (insert unit) cost?" thread

    hey! come and buy my law books!!!! jurisprudence course notes are around $40, and torts book is $150-ish... well thats what it was last year.... you can buy them off me... ;) i'll give you the jurisprudence ones if you buy my torts (i'm selling good old torts text for $100) second...
  10. MaryJane

    Ba-Psych help

    I did humanities for my two electives; ANTH106 and SOC180. I have a passion for arts etc, hense my choice. I was also going to do a phil unit, but it didnt fit into my timetable. I've heard that the media ones are good too... ANTH and SOC are relatively easy to get a Cr in, but it does seem...
  11. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    Ah, but you see, I'm not. Hate drugs.... but it all adds to my air of mystery and intrigue.... ;) where are your pic's?
  12. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    woohoo! ok, so the site is not working, because its crap and i dont know how to work computers, so my lovely brother has just worked out how to do attachments... so here you go! :) sorry about the chaos! oh, and no my name isnt mary-jane... although i wish it was! i'm going to call my...
  13. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    yay! my sites working now people :D
  14. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    i did law103 and 113, PSY104 and 105... stat170 (both semesters), anth (drugs across culture) and sociology (intro to pop culture). do you recognise me? ooh, does that mean my site is working?!
  15. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    ...oops! :o hmm.... maybe thats a good thing :)
  16. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!! i made a website... see how much i love you all? ;) Tis pretty dodgy.
  17. MaryJane

    Effect of 'other' degree on your future...

    I'd say that while you may be interested in the arts, if you want to do commercial law, I'd suggest doing commerce or business as your other half. if you can handle it, and have a mind for it, why not do it? and if the structure is anything like MQ, first year you have 3 credit points a semester...
  18. MaryJane

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    i would but the bloody uploading box keeps timing out! so i'll describe myself: i'm a girl with brown hair... average height... thats pretty much me! i dont recognise anyone on here yet... how sad.
  19. MaryJane


    how much is it to join the gym? would it be cheaper for a lazy ass like myself to just pay when i decide to care about my health? (which might be once a semester.... for two minutes....) i wanted to join netball... but i didnt...
  20. MaryJane

    non-award entry

    My friend did Non-Awards this year, and was told that if you're marks are good enough (P), then you would be considered for either a BA or BA of Education, but those are the only two courses. So if you wanted to do your tel comm, you'd have to do a year of Non-Award and then another year of BA...