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  1. MaryJane


    i heard that it was just some big rave where everyones on drugs i hate raves
  2. MaryJane


    there are no stat pracs or tutes the woman said. she was so boring and the questions were so meh... i wana know about psych ive tried to contact the enquiry service but the stingy bastards have their phone off! so im not going to go :)
  3. MaryJane

    MQID and unimail...

    how do u change ur password? i couldnt find it in the e-mail options...
  4. MaryJane

    2nd hand bookshop

    this is the only text it says for pys04 but although its a "text", i dont think its a proper one coz of its title, it seems more like a helping book: "Psychology & Study Guide & Interactive Approach To Writing Package" would this b worth getting b4 classes coz its the only book listed? or wait?
  5. MaryJane

    Have many days a week at uni??

    im there 5 days a week but on monday & friday im only there 2 hours in da middle of the day which sucks
  6. MaryJane

    enrolling tommorow?

    yeah i saw a few at -1 as well...maybe 2 ppl enrolled at the exact same time...? i wish we could access that timetable change thingo quicker tho, the 1st of march is a long wait
  7. MaryJane

    enrolling tommorow?

    lol ill see how i feel on the 1st of march...ill go back in my own good time! :D
  8. MaryJane

    enrolling tommorow?

    it took me 2.5 hours too... and i was stopped 5 times by those christian people..i felt sooo bad saying that "no, im not interested in improving my relationship with god" (no offence) and i had to re-organise my timetable as aparently i couldnt do stat107 in 2nd semester coz its a co-req with...
  9. MaryJane

    text books... which ones to get?

    would it just be better (and cheaper) to get the course notes? will they do the same job?
  10. MaryJane

    Help me! (Law/Arts-Psychology Student)

    im just starting out slowly... i figure it cant make that much of a difference... sooner or later (hopefully sooner) ill get the degree finished :) i just dont wana overload, plus i cant find any other subjects that really interest me.
  11. MaryJane

    Help me! (Law/Arts-Psychology Student)

    im doing the same course as u highpingbastard but im only doing 2 elective units.. i know it might take me longer but hey, i dont care as long as im fulltime. and yea, if there are no prerequ's then u can take any 100 level course u want!
  12. MaryJane

    employment prospects for maq students?

    ive heard its ok but truthfully why b worried about that kinda stuff? its got nothing to do with the uni u go to, only with how well u perform and you as a person. if u do well in ur course and really have a passion for wat ur doing, then that will make u appeal to employers, not what uni u went...
  13. MaryJane

    text books... which ones to get?

    here: wat a long link! just select MQ from the uni list and then check ur subjects... some might not have any books yet tho, a few of mine dont
  14. MaryJane

    text books... which ones to get?

    do they tell u what books to but in the first lecture? and do you have to wait ages to get ur books if u dont get them on enrollment?
  15. MaryJane

    text books... which ones to get?

    hey i have to enrol tomorrow but im just looking at the text book lists and for each of my subjects there are several books which are recommended... how can i decide on which ones to get? or should i just leave them until lectures start? i just dont wana have to wait for the co-op to re-order...
  16. MaryJane

    STAT170 classes dont exist...

    im extremely confused! if i print out the complete timetable for STAT107 from the MQ website, there is "Lecture 2" and "tute 2", fair enough. but when u go to make ur own timetable on the MQ website, these classes dont exist! nor do they exst in the timetable we were given on our acceptance day...
  17. MaryJane

    making a timetable

    my enrollment day is the 12th but im going to be away until the 14th so ill have to go on the last day...i bet all my classes will b filled and i wont get my fridays off... so sad i wish i could just send someone in my place....
  18. MaryJane


    if u get into psych 104, u also have to do psych105 and stat 170 or 171 make sure u have enough room left on ur timetable
  19. MaryJane


    lol im taking 137 coz its got the word "law" in it! i think it would be v. interesting and may even come in handy one day when im trying to make a point...i can tear the other persons argument to shreds! :D
  20. MaryJane


    how hard is it to be accepted into postgrad law at sydney? do u guys know at all? all's i wanna do is family law :( lol ta for any info all though its a long way away :D