Search results

  1. jlh

    Anyone doing Computer Science and Technology

    i'd go to UTS for sure!! i was in the same predicament as you about a year ago. i was leaning towards UTS, but went for usyd's reputation and the fact that after your 3rd year, provided that you have pretty good results, you can transfer into the b. info tech degree without losing any time...
  2. jlh

    transferring to commerce

    uh well you gotta do economics and to do economics, maths band 2 is under the pre req. yeah i'll email them and find out!! thanks!! and what kind of considerations, like ask to do a bridging course or something? cuz i've already done first year economics at usyd. think that will boost my...
  3. jlh

    transferring to commerce

    do you think i can transfer to MQ b. commerce or b. economics without having done maths in year 12? i've finished my first year at usyd and got a c average, but since i didn't do any maths in year 12 or in uni, do you think MQ will accept me trasnferring because i noticed that band 2 maths is...
  4. jlh

    Anyone doing Computer Science and Technology

    uh the computing resources at usyd are ok, provided that you can find a spare computer when you need one!! :-) as for the new building, its still in its design stages. i think the final year students are designing it cuz my tutor surveyed us on how we would like the building, but i don't...
  5. jlh

    Anyone Here Going To Anu???

    i'm considering transferring to ANU or UC, thats if i can get enough money to move there and tide me over till i find a job!! but if i don't get the cash, then i'll be doing what your doing and deferring for a year!! uh "..." are you sure ANU campus accomodation is full? where did you hear that?
  6. jlh

    transfer possiblility ?

    uh i know if you are transferring within the faculty to a course with a LOWER UAI requirement than the course you are in, you can trasnfer without going thru uac. and as with most trasnfers, you need to have a minimum 1 year of study. thats 1 years worth of credit points. oh they usually say...
  7. jlh

    I.T courses in general

    but isn't there a certain standard that UTS has to uphold? i mean, say if the demand drops dramatically, to the 50's, i don't think UTS will accept them because of the higher level of work required for some of the uni subjects, so they will have a 'reserved' UAI cut off which meets the minimum...
  8. jlh

    I.T courses in general

    well for te BIT you need to pass a series of interview stages as well as getting a UAI in the very high 90's. it also has a guaranteed job at the end of the 4 years. so i don't see that falling to the 70% cut off anytime soon! as for the BScIT, in all honesty, i don't think they will accept...
  9. jlh


    uh actually UTS has a better arch program than UNSW and USYD! well so i've been told!! and its much more recognised because of UTS's ties to the industry, the program is much more practical and updated!
  10. jlh

    Law At Anu

    depends on what course your really interested in. commerce or law.... that way if your not happy about the uni, at least you can save time and hecs and trasnfer, to the same course, to the uni you want to go to and get credit for the units you've already done! but if your considering...
  11. jlh

    Uni Students Best Opinions

    yeah i'm referring to the EAS. the dean is the person who's incharge of the whole faculty. in your case, you'd need to write to the faculty of science dean, Beryl Hesketh.
  12. jlh

    Uni Students Best Opinions

    well you really don't have an option but transferring from a different course already within usyd OR try comp sci at UWS then trasnfer after that. what uai do you think you will be getting? maybe you can apply for special consideration and if you get granted you will be given an extra 5% on...
  13. jlh

    Exam Results

    uh the results are put out progressively by each faculty/school/darpartment on the myuni website so there is no exact date of when you will actually get your results. alternatively, you can get them emailed to you as well when they are put up! wow congrats googy_1985!!! Edit: i'm still...
  14. jlh

    Double degrees/Combined degrees

    i guess it all comes down to the person. if you think you can take the extra work load, why not go for it. i'd think you'd have a pretty stressful time at uni. so what course were you thinking of doing? there are other alternatives to speeding up the completion of your degree, such as...
  15. jlh

    Exam Results

    at least you have SOME of your results back!! i do 5 subjects as well and i have NO results up yet!! i'm getting pissed off!!
  16. jlh

    Double degrees/Combined degrees

    yes at usyd you can choose to take a greater work load depending on the degree. i think you are limited to 32 credit points per semester and require the dean's permission if you wish to undertake more! and yes will have more hours if you choose to take on extra subjects.
  17. jlh

    ANU or UC?

    yeah i didn't think i could do 4 majors. but i see it as, if i've got electives and choices in what i do in my degree, why not just follow another major sequence (if possible, cuz in my degree now, i can do 3 majors, provided i can fit it in and its only a single degree). i was planning on...
  18. jlh

    ANU or UC?

    oh i found it.. thanks anyways
  19. jlh

    ANU or UC?

    do you know where i can find a much more detailed course description at UC for your course?
  20. jlh

    ANU or UC?

    id prefer to do the commerce type of economics. i don't think the arts type will give you the 'right' knowledge for the job. i'm doing a computing course so thinking analytically is no trouble!! :-) uh all me a freak or whatever, but i happen to like economics so i don't mind doing economics...