i think after that, it went back to carrie and alex and he'd gave her a new necklace, but then his friends came and she felt lonely again. Or did that happen b4 miranda's comment? Oops, can't really remember!
what do u think they'll give us for empathy? There's not much to pick from really...all the characters are already associated with issues you know, like magali=leaving, monique=strike- maybe they'll ask us to do justin?
I think with Carolines monologue, the 'racy' bits are the bits when she's talking about 'screwing against the wall, in the mud...anywhere etc' - because, you know, we're so young and protected that we've NEVER heard ANYTHING like that before...! ;)
I never really thought much of that joke but...
i should go study some french ext instead of just aimlessy reading forums....but its SO boring!!!!
its odd chepas, how in your trial you got two diff extracts, i hope they don't do that on fri :(
did u see how the crabs heart was still beating? i think thats one of the most grossest things i've ever seen. i love crab and all but...did they have to do the close up?
nope, thats all there is! but you know, it IS only 2 hours...but we get 10 min reading time don't we? i don't get it, how much is there to read??! i guess the extract's got a coupla lines but really...
french ext is such a wishy washy subject!
have you ever noticed that with m&J, at first...
whats so good bout baulkam hills? is it selective?
and its definately gonna be ruse! no question! i don't wanna pump up their egos but...the statistics speak for themselves :(
i'm worried bout listening, its the whole 'one chance to get the answer' thing...well, two chances i guess but once the tapes over, its over!
i haven't even looked at extension yet. one week should be enough to study for it right? Right. :)
Ami's letter from her parents and the story about her little brother made me a little weepy... >_<
but yeah, i couldn't believe the way lisa suddenly left cause ami got pissy. i thought either eliza or leann were sure to go after the challenges
which one is chris again? is he the one with...
Oh i so know! i meant to say something about it cause it really pissed me off! It was like, hello? i think you're the ones in someone else's country..bloody americans never seem to notice that....
The twins were HILARIOUS!!! I was laughing so hard! did u see the look on their faces?
The brothers are such assholes, they're so petty, when they shouted out BITCH! why does everyone hate charla and mirna?!? I think its cute how they like phil so much, it adds even more entertainment into...
no, i mean the 'diplome des etudes superieures', the one where you do business and french and then they send you off to france to get work experience for two years- do you know anyone who does it?
I'm pretty sure that i won't apply, because its so expensive to live in france and they only...
hey guys
i was just wondering whether there was anyone here doing the course or interested in it? i know applications close 30th nov, and i can't decide whether to go for it! it's pretty hard to get into isn't it? if they only take 10 ppl per year..
I thought it was absolute shithouse- and i was so happy with the 2u paper!
Did anyone think that there were a lot of 1 mark questions that seemed to need more than one mark working...?
The damn paper was so long and so bad!!! And yeah, the 4u ppl all thought it was soooo easy. Damn them...