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  1. cranberries

    Who Are Your Favourite Survivors Ever?

    I didn't reckon amber was so hot- remember how she won the 'hottest survivor woman' award in Survivor All Stars reunion? Rupert was cool..cept for the tie dye- that pissed me off What about most hated survivor? Right now for me, its gotta be rory
  2. cranberries

    The dreaded 10!

    mm,i was doing this question as well but got stuck and then i found out that the distance between the two has to be maximised but why? I was thinking the bus time had to maximised and the running time had to minimised...or something like that
  3. cranberries

    CSSA 2004 Trails Question

    you do it like: P(At least 2 cars)= 0.4 = p P(NOT at least 2 cars) =0.6= q (p+q)^4 = whatever the binomial expansion is i would write it but i'm not very good with typing maths stuff and then you find the one with the p's and q's that you want and sub in the 0.4's and 0.6's !
  4. cranberries

    The Amazing Race

    I'm pretty sure they're gonna split, i mean, donny was saying how much he hated her while she kept calling him a loser the old couple aren't bad- they were the only one who could control the damn dogs but its not true that the others aren't helping each other- at the beginning, chip and...
  5. cranberries

    The Amazing Race

    Who watched tonites ep? How much of a psycho was alison?!!? and i couldn't believe it when the mums told marsha and her dad that they had to change their money, that was sooo low i'm glad mirna and charla came second- i really like them and their accents. it was kinda gross when the...
  6. cranberries

    Who ate Wheat-Bix beofre the exam?

    lol- that is spot on!
  7. cranberries

    Who ate Wheat-Bix beofre the exam?

    i can't believe they're trying to cash in on the hsc!! do they think we're complete dumbshits or something? i couldn't believe the ad, it was so corny!! And the 'dumb' students who are supposedly 'suffering' from not eating the pieces of soggy crap acutally, scrap the dumbshits...
  8. cranberries

    Chepas for Mod

    oh wow, the whole chepas as a girl thing- i thought i was the only one who thought that but i didn't want to say anythin cause it might've sounded rude...hmmm, i think you sound like a girl because you write in full sentences and you're too helpful if i had a visual image of you, you'd be a...
  9. cranberries

    Chepas for Mod

    je suis tout ê fait d'accord avec ça! chepas est toujours pret a nous aider et donc, je crois qu'il est l'homme pour le metier ' mod' :gridnod: :angel:
  10. cranberries

    The Amazing Race

    i hated it how they all kept saying 'underlay, underlay' ! it means something in spanish like go faster right?
  11. cranberries

    The Amazing Race

    the meat seemed pretty heavy but...and did you see how their shirts were all blood stained afterwards? nice...
  12. cranberries

    Whats with CHL7???

    I remember family guy! it was so witty and cute! my friend had a little stewie doll... and third rock was great too- we never even got to see the last episodes before it got i really like mis-match- whatever happened to their girl-power friday? they showed like, three episodes!
  13. cranberries

    The Amazing Race

    So what'd u guys think? I thought it was pretty good! thoughts: i like the little person team- they seem like the only nice ones! kami and karla look like bitches and so was erika? the girl that kept telling her bf off for giving the taxi away. did u notice that after they carried the cow...
  14. cranberries

    The Amazing Race

    omg, i love the amazing race too! Do you remember how it used to be on really late, then they showed it during daytime? chanel 7 bastards! and now, they're all like, oh its won an award, we'll chuck it on i love the challenges and the teams and the countries..def one of best shows
  15. cranberries

    What's the difference between Permutations and Combinations?

    wow! thanks guys, that actually helped!! I get it now- your explantation was great slide! much better than the committees
  16. cranberries

    What's the difference between Permutations and Combinations?

    I cannot understand the difference! Well, I do sort of, like I read the definitions and it says P are ordered selections and C are unordered. But I never know when to use them, because I don't really understand what they mean Can anyone help? Like, when it's dice or cards or seating- how do...
  17. cranberries

    call waiting music

    mm, the music's not all that bad actually- i think its nice how the operator remembers your name when she comes to say it's you turn- don't u reckon?
  18. cranberries

    CSSA Questions 2004!!!

    the king lear question was: A particular emphasis on the roles of Lear's daughterss has been a feature of a number of modern productions of 'King Lear'. How valid are such interpretations of the play? The Telling the truth q was: You are the keynote speaker at a conference on telling the...
  19. cranberries

    a question about extract 5 for ext

    Yeah, my teacher told us that at the beginning, how they just get together and make movies, and it's like one big party (woohoo!) Yes, La vie est tranquille paints a completely different picture of Marseille, I think it was concentrated in L'Estaque as well, I can't really remember. For...
  20. cranberries

    Interpretations/readings for King Lear

    I'm doing family and political with good ol' eyre and kosintsev!