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  1. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    I mean, you have to show why that sum is \frac{\pi^2}{12}, but there are many ways of doing that in 4U, so it's basically done. That was also my method :).
  2. sharky564

    help on abstract perms and combs

    In general, the number of ways of choosing a cards from b consecutive cards such that there are at least c cards between any pair of cards is \binom{b+c-ac}{a}, which isn't too difficult to prove using double-counting.
  3. sharky564

    BoS Maths Trials 2019

    We know that by \frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}n} (f(n))^a = a f'(n) (f(n))^{a-1}, \frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}n} \left( \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n \right) = \left(-\frac{1}{n^2}\right) n \left( 1+\frac{1}{n} \right)^{n-1} We also know that by \frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}n} a^n = a^n \ln(a)...
  4. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    Another problem if u get bored of that one: \displaystyle \int_0^1 \frac{\ln(x+1)}{x} \; \mathrm{d}x = \frac{\pi^2}{12} No using dilogarithms, only 4U stuff.
  5. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    inb4 unprovable in ZFC
  6. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    First q: Note that T_n T_{n+2} - T_{n+1}^2 = T_n^2 + T_n T_{n+1} - T_n^2 - 2T_n T_{n-1} - T_{n-1}^2 = T_n (T_{n+1} - 2T_{n-1}) - T_{n-1}^2 = T_n T_{n-2} - T_{n-1}^2, and then check base cases to get the result. Second q: Note that (a+b)^{2n+1} - a^{2n+1} - b^{2n+1} = (a+b)^2[(a+b)^{2n-1} -...
  7. sharky564

    BoS Maths Trials 2019

    Anyone manage to solve Q11a?
  8. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    We construct K such that CFK is an equilateral triangle with those points going around the triangle anti-clockwise. Then, we note that CB=CA, CK=CF and \angle BCK = \angle BCA - \angle KCA = 60^{\circ} - \angle KCA = \angle KCF - \angle KCA = \angle ACF (we're using directed angles here)...
  9. sharky564

    BoS Maths Trials 2019

    16a was proving the Dandelin spheres property 16b was proving the eccentricity of an ellipse is equal to the ratio of the sines of the angle the plane cuts through the cone to the sine of the angle of the cone 16c was determining the probability a game (in which players A and B flip a coin till...
  10. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    That's what I like about this question - due to the simplicity of the q, there seem to be so many ways of approaching it which don't go anywhere
  11. sharky564

    BoS Maths Trials 2019

    In general, the number of ways of choosing a cards from b consecutive cards such that there are at least c cards between any pair of cards is \binom{b+c-ac}{a}, which isn't too difficult to prove using double-counting.
  12. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    That's an excellent variety of integrals, none of which are on the right track (from what I've explored at least). My method is not that nice but it does yield a solution. My first hint is to try x=\tan^{-1}(u) in the original integral.
  13. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    He says its a unit circle. Of course, for a circle of radius R, the answer is just \frac{4R}{\pi}.
  14. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    You'll figure it out, I believe in you :)
  15. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    I believe its \frac{4}{\pi}?
  16. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    Let's make it more fun by using complex numbers lol (and here's a crash course of doing geometry with complex numbers). We can assume the circle is the unit circle, and O=0 is the origin of the Argand Plane. Also, let A=a, B=b, C=c, D=d such that |a|=|b|=1. Then, we can assume c=ka and d=lb...
  17. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    no, unfortunately, i simply didnt have consistent enough performance :/
  18. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    How so?
  19. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    \int_0^{\frac{\pi}{2}} \frac{x \cos(x)}{\sin^2(x)+1} \; \mathrm{d}x = \frac{1}{2} (\ln(1+\sqrt{2}))^2
  20. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    Pretty easy by the following: \frac{\sin(x)}{\sin(x)+\cos(x)} = \frac{1}{2} \left (1 - \frac{\cos(x)-\sin(x)}{\sin(x)+\cos(x)} \right )